
With todays voice activation technology the car will drop you off and proceed to drive and park in Toledo.

That is not what electronic ignition means.

But then they loose the advantage. If a digital display is going to spend the entire time showing a picture of an analog needle, why not just have an analog needle to begin with?

Yep, for every pound we save with new technologies, we stuff 2 pounds of new must have crap in vehicles.

That's interesting. Carbon build up is a problem because fuel no longer washes the top side of the valves. I'm at a loss at how fuel additives are supposed to help.

They have a pretty impressive reliability record, going back decades. Maybe one day digital screens will as well.

Or you could have a broken solder joint somewhere behind your dash that will disable a digital screen just as quickly as it will an analog gauge. Of course, a broken connection is likely to disable only one analog gauge, but will likely disable the whole of a digital screen. No telling which will be cheaper to repair,

Why? There are millions of successful vehicles made with aluminum block and heads.

Ah, thats the greatest advantage of the digital gauge, scraping by and not getting speeding tickets.

Roflmao, especially regarding the fuel gage. Oh god, the tank is filling up very fast, and I don't know why. Something is very wrong here.

Completely agree! I remember the pride I felt the first time I managed t take a carb apart and put it back together (not have it working mind you, just get all the springs back into their places. Hey, I was 12).

Hard to argue with you there, at list with regards to modern ECU's. The early ones were far less reliable than the mechanical systems they were replacing.

Well, I suppose I could make notarized copies of the titles to all my old vehicles, but I'm not going to.

As a mechanic, absolutely. But as a driver?

Auto chockes were totally a thing, and quiet popular.

Yes, I've owned and driver carbed vehicles. Fuel injection is clearly better, but not in an immediately obvious sort of way. Never had to have any service done on the choke. Did have to work it by hand, as oppose to the auto chokes my friends drove. Why is everyone confusing fuel injection with electronic ignition?

Yeah, electronic ignition made bigger difference than ditching carbs.

I've never seen a carb fall to bits. They tend to gum up if left unused for a long period as the fuel in the bowls breaks down, but if used regularly, a 10 year old carb will perform its job just fine. What is going to break on a carburetor?

Completely agree on fuel economy. I don't know about you, but my driving is not defined by fuel economy. It's nice to save some money on gas, but it's just not that important.

That would be interesting to know. There are 3 ways I can think of that displays can malfunction