
I hate it when cars have screens anywhere near the dash. All the necessary information should be communicated with needles, and any information that can't be communicated with needles isn't really necessary. Every time I see an LCD screen (especially a screen that rises out when you start the car) all I can think of

They don't want 500,000 miles, they only was 100k tops. But they do want 35 or even 45mpg

Dear Jalopnik readers: What vehicle would you use if you had to daily commute in the land or russian dash cam videos?

I imagine he was thinking "I really hate Mondays" as he was shaking the debris off himself.

Why are they using a toothed belt to drive the alternator?

I don't know if they are superior, but they are certainly better looking.

Anything with a front swing arm. There have been a few version of this idea now, and they are all very strange.

This honda concept is pretty upthere. Also the C1

I thought US didn't really get its shit together until WW1.

Because even today its a weapon of questionable utility. Sure, they can fire ballistic missiles, but so can many other things. They can hunt other submarines, which is only of use if there are other submarines to be hunted. They can do a fair bit of damage to a fleet with a surprise attack, but somewhat limited in

A draw is pretty good considering America was a loose collection of farmers and religious nuts at the time, and Britain was the worlds largest and most powerful empire. It's all about how you look at it.

I love the SR-71, but its hard to say that it changed the face of warfare. Sadly, it was somewhat of a technological dead end. No one bothered to build an improved version, or another plane based upon its design. Aside from experimental craft, no one bothered to make a faster aircraft. Its revolutionary engine

I was under the impression that the T34 was a much better tank than the sherman.

The V1 in particular was pretty effective in terms of $/enemy life taken or friendly to enemy forces lost. In other words, most of them did no damage what so ever, but they cost little to shoot and did not endanger friendly forces. In a way you complaint is similar to calling the machine gun an ineffective weapons

I'm always amazed how modern the F1 looks. The biggest give away of its age are the turn signals.

Obviously, its brave to the point of reckless to drive a car that expensive that fast on a public road in the rain. Do they not have wildlife in Italy? What is harder for me to comprehend, isn't the driving fast part, but the talking to the camera while doing it. There is no way I would split my attention like that.

Weren't those the tanks that had riveted armor that had a tendency to fall off when hit?

Critical thinking helps one construct and argument instead of relying on gifs to express themselves.

Having contradictory information in textbooks could encourage critical thinking.

Teach applications, not just theory. Where is it used in the real world, and how can it be used it day to day life. In other words, add a bit of engineering to the science curriculum.