
Someone should round up the approach and departure angles of various super cars, so that we can compare them to various non super cars. This should be very entertaining.

I don't know how many enthusiasts will embrace a future where 2 technicians are needed to open a cars hood. I don't how many people who would embrace that future would qualify as enthusiasts.

Yey for slogans!

While there is no disagreeing that 180+hp on the street is unnecessary, and difficult to manage (Especially with very aggressive throttle response), as an experience, it is without equal. Or at least, without equal at my budget level.

If our enemy is capable of fielding training sorties, doesn't that imply that we do not have a complete air superiority?

Cause ISIS isn't likely to be stopped by a couple of water trucks.

Yes, but why did he release it? Some officer drove the same lap without breaking any laws and got a much slower time. What does that suppose to prove exactly?

If net neutrality could be accomplished thru a protocol that made it impossible for providers to distinguish the source of the information transmitted, I would be all for it. But instead the proposal is to hand the keys over to the FCC, which has a history of censorship, for them to decide what constitutes what is

You use less (no) fuel going downhill in gear, but you build up more speed in neutral, since there is no engine braking.

A fall from 3 feet on to a concrete floor is about 100Gs. Making that fall head first is unlikely to be pleasant, but is not necessarily deadly. The peak number doesn't provide enough information here. A whole profile will be far more informative.

Do you think your sharpener is perfectly straight with no clumps/bumps/jagged edges in it?

An ultra sharp edge right is great when it's new, but after the first or second sharpening, wouldn't all the knives have the same edge?

Anyone notice how both the cars had TPMS warnings? Surely it's because they set the pressure for the run different to what is normally used, right?

How does the damage caused by such a little copter compare to a bird strike? Surely historical structures get hit by many birds every year.

2 questions.

More props, cause he pedaled

Because anytime you want to assign models numbers or letters you are going to run into a few problems. Namely:

What a pile of dung. While I completely agree with the first part, that the new naming scheme isn't likely to sink the company, the second argument is rather smelly, and should not be put in the same room as the first argument, or other civilized people.

1. If what is supposed to be amazing about the i8 is the carbon fiber body, then the 4C beat it to the punch, at a lower price tag.

Is it just me, or do the pipes connecting the exhaust port to the turbines look awfully restrictive?