
1. That's not socialism.

How does that not result in a lifetime (or at least seasonal) ban? Especially since its not the first time! Do these teams own the local racing organization or something?

I'll give them credit where credit is due, their focus on performance does pay off. They do handle amazing. They are far faster than a car with the claimed weight and power has any right to be (not to mention 4 doors). They are very communicative, its absolutely eerie how you can tell from the drivers seat which tire

Perhaps politicians should not be in the business of selling themselves. Maybe your outrage would be better directed at elected officials that sell the powers of their office.

You might be right of course. But its somewhat telling that the noisy minority all encounter the same issues. Did you know that even tho the engine management is aware of the water pumps impending failure, no lights come on to warn you even after the pump fails completely? Did you read the nonsense about the '07

A spare tire reflects an attitude: "No matter how wonderful of a product we designed, in the real world it will fail. For the day that it does, we have a plan B. This will let you continue with whatever it is you are need to be doing, because whatever it is you are doing is more important to you than our product, and

Worst part is, I'm told these issues are typical of the e90's 335. It's not that I happen upon a car that was build by a drunk guy on a friday afternoon, just by bad luck. Nope, I apparently have a pretty typical BMW experience.

I too own a 335, mine has 82k miles. At that time I've replaces the HPFP, injectors, water pump, thermostat, ignition coils, belt and pulleys (after the ps pump pulley disintegrated), and now I'm hoping and praying the turbos don't go. That's not counting the minor stuff like auto windshield wipers that freak out on

As an unhappy BMW owner (also not retired) maybe I can better explain the source of this unhappiness. It is not the high maintenance costs, it is the reliability. If you car required the replacement of a $10k wear item every 6 months, this is something you can budget for, and schedule the service around. If you car

1. I never lend more than I can afford to loose.

You are absolutely right. He should put up his camera, shut his pie hole, get in his car, and drive it directly into a huge crowd of people just as fast as he can. How dare he worry about youtube views while there are still legs around him left unbroken. What a looser.

So a thick accent is a bigger crime than endangering bystanders. Aren't you a fine example of tolerance and understanding!

5.7b does not account for the lost time of the passengers. Take that into account and a gold plated, diamond encrusted missile defense system starts to look cheap.

Or they can find the troops that shot the missile and hang them from a wing of an airliner for the world to see.

While I agree that it is a waste of money, it can't possibly be worse than the TSA, unless the missile defense system has to get to second base with every passenger.

3rd gear is idiotic. 24 hours is no where near enough time to figure out if you actually have a problem, unless they mean 24 hours from the time they manage to reproduce it, which I don't think they do. But hey, someone is using a tragedy as an excuse for some empire building, and that's forward thinking. Remind me,


Have you ever driven a car without power steering? If you are in a parking lot, doing less than 5mph, its very hard to turn the wheel, and you usually have to use both hands. By the time you get up to 20 mph the wheel it a tad stiff, but easily turned with one hand. At 50mph there is no way to tell the difference at

Tangentially related, but the resent thread on horror warranty stories seemed to have more posts about Mazda's than all about all other manufacturers combined. Whats up with that?

At speed? I'm not sure that would even be noticeable, much less how it would cause a sudden swerve.