
It’s a nuance of the way stored energy is converted into mechanical force.

Two versions. One electric one hybrid electric ICE. Pretty simple really.

This is clearly the wrong decision. The F-35 scores extremely poorly in the relevant “Internet armchair generals who read that one article once and likes the jet with the big gun that goes BRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPTTTT” category. Its just science!

The article might have been slightly more informed, Andrew, if you had pointed out - or bothered to find out - that Denmark is already a Level 3 partner in the F35 programme, with $110M invested in the plane’s development and jobs expected on the production models.

Not so fast, more exercise = more calories. How much emissions did you put out in the world getting the food to you? Delivery trucks, A/C and power in the store from the coal power plant, refrigeration, farm equipment, feeding the cows, watering the vegetables. The wear on your shoes. I wonder what the emissions of

“‘We found that non-exhaust emissions, from brakes, tyres and the road, are far larger than exhaust emissions in all modern cars.”

I think they can see the Czech Republic from there, so at least there’s that.

Why did they all run downhill...


it would hit the bus full of people.


Watch it fullscreen at 1080... just a tad better than all the GoPro-filmed Navy and Air Force squadron deployment videos floating around out there.

That’s a negative ghost rider.

Pretty sure you are an idiot. Let’s think about what we saw up there before we blather.

I understand, we nitpick about cars, but let’s take a moment and think about how this is a fully-electric car for 35k.

This made my night.

It’s a shame we can’t live in reality, person with Communist avatar

Assuming you can handle the data transmission issue then your situational awareness is exactly that of a modern tank which has cameras all around and doesn’t require an easily sniped commander out of the hatch. If a drone aircraft can be handled in Afghanistan from a base in Nebraska than a tank can be handled from 50