That’s why I’m very politely telling them to fuck off, so that these cars don’t get associated with those kinds.
That’s why I’m very politely telling them to fuck off, so that these cars don’t get associated with those kinds.
FINALLY! I’ve loved these minivans since I first saw them when I was young. These are cool no matter what. Hipsters; kindly fuck the fuck off, you fucks. DON’T RUIN THIS FOR EVERYONE.
Over here they go for around $ 450,000
There are already orders being placed by fleet owners in Norway. One of them even made a promo video showcasing how the new trucks would look like.
I’ve experienced the same.
Who cares. The new “Top Gear” is bound to be a disaster the way this is heading. I doubt I’d be interested in watching it without the old crew. Seems rather pointless.
Now that’s a solid #COTD nomination if I ever saw one.
Hair! Hair!
It’s a large engine, burning a lot of fuel, operating on a cold start. Just imagine the ammount of fuel it is burning when showing off like this. Almost all of that fuel is turned into water in the process. I believe you release an almost equal ammount of water from the fuel you burn, which is why you see this ammount…
Every car does this. Its part of the process that happens in engine. Fuel is converted into water, carbon dioxide etc. as it releases energy. Its only visible like this when the engine is cold, I believe, as it turns into steam when the engine heats up.
Not that I have anything against minivans, but I think Audi forgot to add a sliding door on this fine automobile.
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I feel like we’re missing the important questions here, like will it baby? Jalopnikeers needs to know.
... but helping refugees from Syria, that’s out of the question.
I’m aware of the critique it’s received. I still argue that it’s a beautiful car and raises severe want levels in my blood, near lethal doses. Though I admit, I’m a bit francophile when it comes to cars. Most likely because I’ve never owned one for prolonged periods. But the dream must live on!
Love the 208 GTI by the…