Already said. He said “most Russian” and Siberia is in Russia, which makes your comment the most redundant comment ever in the history of... whatever.
Already said. He said “most Russian” and Siberia is in Russia, which makes your comment the most redundant comment ever in the history of... whatever.
Your friend deserves to lose his license for life. Someone insanely reckless enough to drive on a sidewalk to get a parking space doesn’t deserve the privilege of driving a motor vehicle.
These days, with the competition available, I can get my oil changed for $5 more than if I’d do it myself. I stay clean, I don’t need to go to the store and I don’t need to recycle the oil. More than worth it. But then, I’ve never had a drain plug cross-threaded or overtorqued...yet.
Off topic: What’s with Americans and their pride of changing their own oil?
I watched this entire thing, and it was pure gold.
Ghana should really team up with Zimbabwe, because they have similarly advanced helicopter technology:
Not that I have anything against minivans, but I think Audi forgot to add a sliding door on this fine automobile.
That was actually not bad back then. Faster than a Ferrari 308 GTS.
I don’t see the problem. Who didn’t see this coming? Gasoline and diesel, both a limited supply resource have to eventually be phased out for mass-consumption. Now if they were saying something about banning ALL gasoline/diesel powered cars from the city/country, okay I might feel a little differently, but they aren’t…
I paid $800 for an 88 Loyale back in 2000.
Unfortunately, taxi drivers can’t just ignore the law and so their prices are fixed and their profits limited. They still need to pay over $100k for a vehicle license, $1200 individually each year for a taxi driver license, plus commercial insurance rates, and can only charge rates set by the city with no concept of…
The reality is that cab companies, on the whole, follow regulations that have been constructed over decades. Uber-defenders try to paint these regulations as protectionism for taxi companies, designed and lobbied for by the industry, but these regulations are in place primarily to benefit riders and make taxiing a…
Uhm excuse me. 50 feet? This is Canada buddy, where we have two feet and measure things using the metre. Get on board. Also article says 20 m which equals 65 ft but I'm a bit skeptical it was that far.
Still not gonna happen.
This looks like the relations screen from a game of Civilization.
Ehhh. I thought this was going to be factory, unmodified cars (Like the V6 Camaro that started the discussion). Adding an exhaust? C’mon.
Great costumes, but that bazooka is definitely pointing the wrong way.