Kotaku is required to make at least one next-gen console post every week. It gets a lot of people commenting and is good for site traffic.
Kotaku is required to make at least one next-gen console post every week. It gets a lot of people commenting and is good for site traffic.
PS4 and XBOne will each support 64 player multiplayer.
I would argue that a good chunk of the CoD crowd began as Halo fans and migrated away, and attempting to attract a bigger audience to the game is good for the multiplayer community and good for the game, right?
Aren't we starting to see that, though? In PC and mobile gaming, F2P models (such as with cash shops) create a long term sustainable source of income, as well as incentive to keep the game relevant and high-standard, as well as a happy community.
in terms of size, it feels pretty much the same (i have bigger hands). However, I noticed the thumb sticks seemed a little smaller(?), and actually jabbed into my thumbs a little bit. shockingly uncomfortable at first, but maybe you get used to it (or develop callouses)?
if you're any good at the game you're playing, you're looking at the screen and not the controller in your hands.
Anyone who agrees with this is a loser, and anyone who disagrees is a winner. How's that for binary?
"What will make me decide to get it or not, is how much they will ask for it."
Well they're going to have to ask more because it's required to come with a mandatory Kinect (or a several hundred dollar "unpluggable clotheshanger", as you see it...)