Re Brad/Angie: if it was me, I would get to the point of just going “FUCKIT! the kids are yours”, and bow out... It’s not worth playing those games, not for the lawyer $$$, not for the wellness of the children, not for the Angie drama.
Re Brad/Angie: if it was me, I would get to the point of just going “FUCKIT! the kids are yours”, and bow out... It’s not worth playing those games, not for the lawyer $$$, not for the wellness of the children, not for the Angie drama.
I went to Gitmo, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt!
To each their own... :-)
Agreed! I really love the FPS mechanics (movement, shooting, etc), although I am not a fan of the RPG aspect (tower, running to vendors to do stuff that can be done in a menu, etc).
Re point 5: same couch? They do seem to be different lengths, even accounting for different angles.
But it was only womans-locker-room talk!!!
Sorry to be that guy, but #NotAllMen!!!
WTF... I also get it mildly on occasion (maybe once a year), but it’s funny you mention supine position: I normally experience it while sleeping on my back, and I really do not like sleeping on my back. Correlation?
I feel his pain! Similarly-ish, my wife ran into my Fatboy with her Sportster at a busy/congested intersection, manned by an overwhelmed traffic-director. Said go, then stop. Wife was checking left/right while rolling forward and ran her front wheel right into my exhaust pipes. Luckly no-one fell over or any damage.…
Shouldn’t we consider HIM a racist? Raped mostly white woman? What, your own color not good enough for you?
What? Were they using the Hillary e-mail server?
Well, it’s sped up. Was very impressed, but the video itself does not give the same feel...
Counter Counterpoint: yes it is.
1. Pushed not dragged. BIG difference.
Schrodinger’s Fart: it can be all that, or none of that, or all and none of that at the same time. You won’t know until you smell it yourself! :-)
No need to speed up, just don’t OBSTRUCT others from getting past you. Legal or not, it’s not up to you to enforce the law by doing the exact speed limit (or often slower) in the left lane, and everyone else behind you should just fuck right off because you’re doing the legal limit...
To be even fairer: go do that shit (“pranks”) at your own home, and not do it in a place where you can’t control other people actions, especially if it’s not clear this is even close to a “prank” or performance art...
Awesome! Then why have mens 800m and womans 800m. Just have Testosterone<1nmol, Testosterone<10nmol and Testosterone<100nmol categories and be done with it!
Got it on Jez, and 1450 angry, poorly-spelled replies already!