Van Kiribati

Can’t believe Tabitha Soren, Kurt Loder, Matt Pinfield, and Jesse Camp all said no.

Isn’t it also about time to remind FIFA’s corporate sponsors that they are transacting with an organization under criminal investigation? MacDonalds, Coke, Visa, Sony, etc don’t they have company policies that, at the very least, frown on such business relationships?

Nick Bodell

The answer:

The only rules regarding defensive alignment require the catcher to be in the catcher’s box, as indicated above, the pitcher to be on or astride the pitching rubber when he delivers the pitch, and all other fielders to be in fair territory at the time of pitch.

take away a Super Bowl win. Now THAT is a spicy HOT TAKE

also the parks and rec guy told him he had an 18-inch johnson

Heidi always ruining sports broadcasts smh

It’s okay, Heidi. I vomit in my mouth a little bit whenever the Cardinals are mentioned, too.

“Avenging” the loss of the New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers to California.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

I should have known better. I should have known that the fight would suck. I have lived long enough to know that the

If they wanted to be extremely accurate, it would have been a car wreck in LA.

He gets a bruise and a mention on Deadspin.

Here’s why they did it. Because they can and there will be absolutely NO REPERCUSSION to their bottom line. None. Nata. Zip. Zilch.

If only he had shit on ESPN instead. We could have called him Deadspin the Dolphin.

Jesus, no. That’s the Tampa Bay jersey. While they are synonymous, they aren’t even spelled the same.

If Sepp really wanted to highlight English villainy he should have bribed Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong and Tom Hiddleston to appear in his puff piece.