Chalupa Batman, that's what it will be if the internet gets ahold of this.
Chalupa Batman, that's what it will be if the internet gets ahold of this.
I don't disagree with you, but to go the other direction and act like privileged people are walking assholes for being born into a certain class is not the right answer either. You can tell me how lucky I am to be born white but it doesn't make me feel any better when my cat just died. Maybe I'm privileged because…
Yeah, g0ing to have to agree that is just being a nice boyfriend, not feminist. If you decided to clean his apartment as a thank you is that anti-feminist? Just two people doing nice things for each other. Congrats on finding a cool guy though :-)
There might be a informal quota for male nurses, i.e. a doctor's office might want to have at least one for procedures where a guy might not feel comfortable with a woman nurse. Given the still small number of male nurses, that would change the supply/demand.
There's something wrong about me, but I am actually really comfortable living in a tiny apartment. Before I moved to the city for grad school I was in a giant house and I used to always freak out and think that someone had broken in downstairs and was going to kill me in my sleep. Now my bed is like right next to my…
Well he does have an MFA from Columbia and is getting a PhD in English at Yale. That's gotta count for something.
I kind of thought the tweet was supposed to be pointing out how terrible people were treating her. Like take it to an extreme so everyone realizes that the small stuff really was messed up as well.
"Screw finding the cure for cancer — these shiny people are the real heroes."
Yeah, I am in a long distance relationship right now with my fiancé while I am in grad school and it scares the hell out of me. As soon as I am done she is probably going to start an MBA program in a completely different place, at the same time I am looking for tenure track positions who knows where. We are supposed…
Right, but that is inherently one-sided because only women have abortions so being against abortion is inherently against only one sex. Men and women both have sex and both watch porn so I am saying there is no reason it can't be made a positive, equitable thing for everyone.
I am not going to say that everyone has access to the same opportunities, but to claim that some people have no choice but to do porn is ridiculous. There are always choices. If you are attractive enough to do porn, that in itself is a huge advantage whether we would like it to be or not. Maybe you weigh your…
What about porn makes it inherently sexist though? Lots of women enjoy having sex and enjoy watching porn. Nobody can say that the mainstream porn industry, as it stands today, does not objectify women, but it doesn't have to always be like that. In order to change the industry we have to have people that are…
Yeah, they counted anyone who had watched porn in the last month as a sex buyer. Pretty sure that means their sample sizes are ridiculously skewed because I don't know any guy who hasn't watched porn in a month.
It validates the behavior of the abusive partner because they will just be able to get away with it forever if you don't testify.
In my state you can't withdraw domestic abuse claims. They will subpoena you and force you to testify, so that situation would have ended a lot sooner.
How long do you think he is going to live?
Yes, but "public servant" is likely a subset of "we all". MATHED! How many people work for the federal government? Are none of us allowed to express ourselves anymore for fear that someone may be offended? Frankly this stuff is ridiculously tame compared to other things politicians have done. Lots of people like…
I don't think it is so much that you spend money on your significant other than it is you go out and do more things when you are in a relationship. I know I got out to dinner a lot more, go to the movies, travel, etc.
Have you ever seen Up? It's one of the only movies I have ever cried while watching, and I was absolutely bawling. What are your feelings about hand-animated movies? Miyazaki films are also incredibly emotional (for me anyway).