
How long do you think he is going to live?

Yes, but "public servant" is likely a subset of "we all". MATHED! How many people work for the federal government? Are none of us allowed to express ourselves anymore for fear that someone may be offended? Frankly this stuff is ridiculously tame compared to other things politicians have done. Lots of people like

I don't think it is so much that you spend money on your significant other than it is you go out and do more things when you are in a relationship. I know I got out to dinner a lot more, go to the movies, travel, etc.

Before I started reading Jezebel I was pretty happy about my sex life with my fiancé, but after reading comments here I am worried that maybe our sex is horrible and I have no idea. She isn't complaining, but we have each only been with one other person, maybe we don't even know what good sex is like! She reaches

Everybody has control over everything they do all the time. But that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want and expect to still be in a relationship. I am not saying that if you are with someone with a higher libido that you have to force yourself to have sex with them when you don't want to, but it isn't as

I thought this was some kind of sequel or possibly porn parody that I hadn't heard of. Typo makes more sense though.

That makes it even worse!

I'm not any kind of doctor, but I think when you are really stressed your body goes into like a "survive" mode where it tries to conserve as much as possible, so you actually burn less calories. Don't trust me on that, but I think I remember that from my nutrition class a billion years ago.

I was ready to say everybody gets insecure sometimes and maybe you should just try and reassure him, but it has clearly gone into crazy territory. That behavior is not acceptable. Side question: why do you let him have your passwords and/or leave your stuff out where he can read it if you know he has a history of

I am always confused by the appeal of hook-ups. The first few times I have sex with a new partner are always the worst times because both parties are nervous, not sure what the other wants, etc. I feel like there is a sweet spot a few months into it where you are comfortable with each other and you can really

What? Thats crazy. I eat stuff off the floor all the time and I've never gotten sick from it. In my mind the counter is pretty much a plate in terms of one's ability to eat off it.

I absolutely hate the way math is taught in primary school. It's not so much teaching math as it is monkey see monkey do. The students watch the teacher do it and then they repeat ad nauseam until everyone with the smallest amount of creativity or free thinking is bored out of their minds. Then those people give up

Is it not standard in your field to do double blind reviews? There is absolutely no reason not to do blind reviews, it makes the whole process much more fair. Not just because of the gender issue but because of the bias against new researchers who don't necessarily have an established reputation.

Yeah but a Playstation is going to cost like $300 and a ring is going to cost several thousand. Not the same.

So... orange juice that has gone through some processing (but is still totally 100% orange juice, no chemical additives) is the end of the world, but completely synthetic drugs that have huge, poorly understood effects on your brain chemistry are fine? I confused...

Totally agree. Everyone needs to be equally polite and considerate. I actually learned from my dad who would give the shirt off his back to a stranger. The world would be a nicer place if people just took a minute to think about how their actions are effecting other people.

True, none of this makes me want to drink it any less. I really don't understand the whole unprocessed, natural foods movement. If you can show me that something they are doing is making the food harmful or even less nutritious, I will take that into account. If all they are doing is some minor processing to make

Why would you say that? Nobody is stopping you from growing your own fruits and vegetables. If you are worried about GM food, I can promise you the seeds you buy at the hardware store for $2 are not modified because those seeds are worth a lot more money than that.

For sure. Loved the part where you shoot cans on top of the Citadel with him at the end. I totally missed on purpose so he would feel better about himself lol

lol same, I hated her so much. To be fair I didn't really like Kaidan either. I almost cried when Mordin died, but those two were just lame for some reason.