Many fighting games take place all over the world. So, to bring those locations to life, game developers often stick…
Many fighting games take place all over the world. So, to bring those locations to life, game developers often stick…
Yes, “look at the lackluster plots which underused the established backstories and remember the dreadful third episodes were the protagonists wished themselves into existence because stuff”: reminded me why I stopped buying their games.
They aren't really trying to appeal to any market, except perhaps Shadow of the Colossus fans. Being hard and having a roll move does not mean that they are going for a Souls demographic.
what world trigger is shit? nope
And yet this shitpile has some of the best games on the market right now.
I’m 100% on the side of the devs with this one.
You’re wrong. Nintendo absolutely made the right decision not to include integrated voice communication. If a premade team wants to use VoIP to collaborate, they can use any third party app on their WiFi connected phone.
Fine by me. I mute the microphone on PS4 games I play, a carry over from playing the 360 online last gen. Every time I do unmute the mic I’m reminded of that toxic behaviour. It’s horrible. So yeah this is okay by me.
Super Smash Bros. is not a traditional fighting series. There are no health bars, no walled-in arenas, and no…
Star Halo: Trek Effect
I’ve purchased relatively inexpensive nonposable figures that have no other use than to look at. Adding the in game functions is extra nice.
-Attack on Titan
My prayers have been answered, as Nintendo’s announced Fatal Frame for Wii U is coming to the rest of the world later this year. Can’t wait to crap my pants!
Shadow of Mordor is already a pretty funny video game. Still, I'm glad that hasn't stopped Mega64 from taking it…
The new physics and particles are worth it on their own.
Crisis Core will make you hate Final Fantasy VII.