
The commander mode in Battlefield 4 is like what you described (I don’t think it is in Dice’s newer games but I hope they bring it back).

Hmmm. The new models look good, but they are missing the hybrid anime/realism look of the original models. I wonder if this is something the original team wanted or if it was the decision of new people.

I think it statistically comes down to how often communication is actually used (and heard) for objectives versus how often it is toxic. That ratio needs to be a net positive for default chat to be worthwhile.

I really feel like online games should have voice chat disabled by default to prevent such incredibly common problems. It is not that much hassle to make it so you can turn it on optionally or for people you friend.

Ah, I forgot that is a thing. I might have to check it out.

Those sentences must have taken so long to type. ಠ_ಠ

I agree with all points except point 1 (where the map creator could have a simple tag to make powerup carryover optional). Overall I am very pleased with this update as it far and away on delivers everything I wanted and is much more than I ever expected before Mario Maker 3.

After about 2 or 3 good turnip runs you should pretty much be set.

In this way I think releasing a level in Mario Maker is very much like releasing a game on Steam.

Agreed. I’m totally going to get back into this now.

I wish there was an mode where the starfighter map scenarios were randomly generated.

What I really want is to be able to use the pro controller in games limited to the joycons, but this is a step in the right direction.

I get a feeling this might be testing the waters to see how people feel about individual units having turns vs the entire squad. It potentially sounds more interesting but also gives up some of the player’s situation control.

That’s why those sword and explosive people were so great. 100% hit chance.

Use respects wisely. *respects*

It has been a long time since I played this. I think I stopped right before the update with the unicorns. I wonder how much has been added since then.

It was the sky eggs that were killing me. I always had to check if the wind sound was an actual present, but then it would be just another egg and I’d have to shoot it down out of compulsion just to get rid of the sound. Zipper is a real environmental menace.

That sounds like a perfect fit.

Zipper the bunny is giving me some creepy FnaF vibes.

I’m hoping the ARMs character is not Spring Man who is already in as an assist trophy. Anyone else would be fine (my pick would be Min Min).