
Did anyone else think the 2009 version was excellent? I’d like to see that get upgraded because I’d happily replay it. Yes, it is backwards compatible but making it prettier would be nice and yes, I did leave it at my ex’s apartment after we broke up. =(

I mean, all things considered, he’s not exactly wrong about this:

While I do appreciate the point being made here, I think you might have a few things mixed up. Specifically, that Robin of Awakenings was an “everyman” player avatar while Byleth of Three Houses has a defined character, when it’s really the other way around. Robin, for example, has pre-defined dialogue and hobbies

Now playing

I hate these dev react to speedrun videos, they make me actually have a reason to watch content uploaded from ign. :p

Seriously though, this stuff is always great. There was a really fun Psychonauts one up on the Doublefine channel from a few years ago where the runner is playing in the same room with Tim Schafer and a

I’m not gonna say she’s my favorite, but I’m gonna post her any way because I feel she’s been kind of forgotten, but Elika, from Prince of Persia 2008.

I always found the word “donation” weird in this context.

is it weird to anyone else...

You know what I really love about Tokyo Mirage Sessions? The main character actually talks!!! After 100+ hours in DQ11 it makes me happy that I dont have to play as a mute protagonist in this.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions has its hooks in deep!!

What you’re doing here is the equivalent of telling people who are playing kickball that you’re only interested in baseball.

I think you got the timeline wrong with Karyn. Antonio got blocked first and then went to visit “Mercedeze,” where they had that conversation.

I mean, there are several possibilities for inclusion that would provide a viable perspective on the decade. Off the top of my head:

If you’ll indulge me, please allow me to talk about a twelve year old video game that gave me more good memories than maybe any other. Halo 3 is not a perfect game. There’s a lot that can be said about it, surely, about whether or not its campaign is any good, whether the multiplayer was balanced, whether it still

I was so let down when it wasn’t the Ball Guy who handed you the Master Ball. 

It’s misogynist to have a character who is a walking pair of tits but it’s ALSO misogynist to not let her express her freedom to be a walking pair of tits...

And also transphobic somehow??? you lost me on that one.

So the marketing is worth nothing you think? They spend big money on marketing the game. 

Mate, project in development NDA is basic thing you need to adhere in this kind of business. “it will only hurt their marketing”, when their business is creating content, leaking the said content is serious thing. Don’t undermine it.

Not sure what all the hate and caps lock is about. I thought this was a neat article, seems like the photographer put some effort into it.