Thanks Obama.
Thanks Obama.
I read that in the article and instantly decided that my reaction on half these maps would be blow the shit up before it can get used on me.
It means that they couldn't do physics based destruction and had to do set pieces.
The Chinese have to be told NOT to poop on subway car floors, remember that when you dunk your head.
I like mine better.
I was leaning more towards low quality looking people. But this could also be a photo in the south so....
Same here, and that's all the 24 hour check in was for. To see if you still owned the game or not.
What about disc-less gaming of disc-purchased games? That's probably the thing I was looking forward to the most.
"Superman could have said something like this while flying up high over the city:
I think Microsoft should take the hint and start letting developers explain their system. They do it so much better.
It's official.
I am among those futurists. I was really looking forward to seeing what the Xbox One could do. I feel like a lot of features, such as cloud computing, will be put to the way side because now players can play Xbox One games without a stable internet connection. I mean, it's great for people that don't have internet or…
Here's my open letter...
I don't get it. "A Kinect free version". Why? Fragmenting the market will only cripple its future integration in gaming. STOP BITCHING ABOUT THE FUTURE.
We were being drowned out by the PS$ fanboys, that's where.
The only difference that matters:
Politely ignoring them because they knew the stupidity in trying to reason with a stubborn idiot.
Hope the complainers are happy, you wanted an Xbox 360 2 and you got one. I myself was looking forward to a new idea of console gaming system, but oh well.