
Somewhere down here is that horrible Safari icon that is too gross to photograph.

Here, let me fix that for you...

Voltron > Gundam > Eva > Pacific Rim > My Little Pony > Mosquitos > MegaZord

Haha, I guess it's kind of funny that the iOS 6 home screen has been jailbroken.

Sony may promise clouds access, but they definitely don't have Microsofts Azure server farms with their ridiculous capabilities.

After reading a few of these comments and several of the thousands of comments on other articles, I'm still not entirely sure why the Xbox One is catching so much heat. I have owned both Sony and Microsoft consoles in the past, and after seeing the details, it just seems to me that the new Xbox is following a Steam

I just wanted to point something out after seeing several comments that ranted about the dogs "decision making" and unrealistic controls. These dogs are generally equipped with two vibration motors and audible cue devices located on each side behind their ears. I've see them in practice and on the dog (granted I was

Meh. Upload speeds in San Antonio suck.

Mission accomplished.

What the actual fuck?

Rather than list them all out, I'll just admit that I missed Belgrade, Brasilia, and Istanbul. I'll also admit that it took me longer than I thought to recognize LA and Washington DC. The Thames gave away London and The Forbidden City stood right out in Beijing.

This just makes me want to go to Radio Shack for some reason.

That is the vibe I'm getting as well. All this talk about "will not buy". Well, people resisted the Xbox 360 when it was announced and after tons of people bought it and others realized that to play online with their friends they would need one too, that tone changed. It seems contradicting, but I think it will boil

I think many of the commenters are missing the point about not having to re-sync your controller. Maybe because it isn't phrased very well. They aren't talking about pairing your controller with the console (like with a new controller). They are referring to turning your controller back on after it has been idle and

I know it isn't the same game, but seeing the naval action gets me more excited for Battlefield 4. They have said that the multiplayer will see the return of controllable naval units. *crosses fingers for controllable Aegis cruiser*

They have already announced that BF4 will give players control of naval units. Pretty exciting.

Something else that was also missed here is that according to a Wired article the Microsft Azure framework will allow dedicated hosting to support up to 128 players in an Xbox One multiplayer match. That's exciting!

I read an article on Wired that said the new Xbox One was capable of 64 players. It also said that due to the new Microsoft Azure cloud framework, the dedicated servers could be utilized to fully support up to 128 players in a game!

I read a Wired article that stated the console was capable of 64 players, but due to the Microsoft Azure cloud framework and dedicated remote hosting, it could handle 128 players in a match!