Valerie Jo

He should be familiar with local laws - if not, he’s an idiot. The truth is, he didn’t care, he just wanted the kill.

I really think it was before it’s time. They had no confidence in the property. They had no idea how big fantasy was going to become.

Man you just bummed me out, what I wouldn’t give for the Dresden Files or the Hollows to get a TV show or a movie...

Oh. My. God... Make it happen! Someone call someone who knows someone!

Me too. If they were making it today, they may have embraced the darker elements and the complicated long-term story telling.

Still love it - maybe because the writers give it a book series feel. You know, each season is like a Dresden Files or The Hollows book. There are some soap elements, a new “end of the world” quest, and recurring characters that make appearance but don’t stay too long.

Not in vegetarian sushi - it’s usually available on the menu. A vegetarian California roll usually has avocado, carrots and cucumber.

I’ve always wanted a vegetarian sushi drivethru restaurant chain. Please make it happen so I can order a California roll with a side of edamame on long car trips.

I agree. Please tell me why people add sugar to fruit. It’s so awful.

I was just about to post something similar. It’s very easy to avoid fruit and vegetables when you’re a vegeterian.

The presentation of the technology was really well done, wasn’t it? I still think of the eye-ball scanner bots and the way the couple expected them to come through the door - you know, just another modern inconvenience.

“...she could actually convice innocent people that they must have committed the crime so that they confess.”

That was amazing.

I don’t think Velma would have worn a power suit, either. She’d probably choose the long cartigan with shoulder pads

Shaggy didn’t dodge it intentionally. They 4-F’d him because of the whole talking dog thing. Don’t worry, Shaggy, Scoobie and the girls worked on breaking up spy rings and sabotage plots throughout the war years while Fred was away.

I have a 1970’s Fuji Special Road Racer 10-speed. It’s gotten some hype lately on the forums and maybe someone will want to rent out to see if the ride is as good as rumored (it is).

I’ve never been in a jungle, but I do spend a lot of time in the woods (most weekends from Spring through Fall). It’s very difficult (and dangerous) to run off trail without risking a broken ankle or falling on your face. Shoe type doesn’t matter. Hiking boots might save your ankle but they will hinder you if you’re

Your wife is the reason we have rules. ;)

Wasn’t it Jackie Joyner Kersee who could win a race wearing heels?