Valerie Jo

She specifically said “science fiction” which was viewed as a boy’s genre. Oz, Narnia and Neverland are fantasy / fairy tales for younger children and are considered gender neutral.

Thank you. This was my choice

I’ve needed a break as well. It’s so depressing. All this pre-worry is exhausting. He’s not president yet, his picks haven’t been cleared, his policies not put on the table on any meaningful way. The best we can do is start working towards electing the opposition in 2 years, and to call our reps and voice our concerns

George Noory is terrible - it’s all angels, Jesus, prepping, and healing potions. If you want a fun show with spooky, strange stories look to podcasts. Mysterious Universe is fun, Lore, Boogie Monster, Expanded Perspectives.. to name a few.

By showing the good of Meyerism, they show why and how people find themselves in cults. Scientology offers self-help tools that people have found helpful - you can’t negate that experience or the sense of community and purpose “saving the planet” can give people. The sad thing is, its pretty standard stuff that

I’m also surprised by how good it is. I’ve actually watched each episode multiple times, and I never do that. There doesn’t seem to be any wasted dialogue, the character actors commit to each scene, the themes are beautiful, it’s actually funny. I already know I’m going to buy season one... What is wrong with me? Is

Just to pile on - King of Queens was a good show, with Leah Remini, Patton Oswalt, and Jerry Stiller. Leah Remini played her character like she was a real person, and it was relatable and sweet.

Each season will be a separate story, like American Horror Story. This first season is a six-episode arc dramatizing the Creepy Pasta story “Candle Cove”.

Let’s meet halfway and change the time 30 minutes. Boom. Done. No more DST / EST - we’re in the sweet spot forever.

Those particular sounds and smells are meaningful because they make you recall the wonder and excitement of childhood experiences. Some future adult will be upset by silent drone shows because the angry bee sound was part of the excitement. Nostalgia is weird and beautiful.

The narrative makes it clear that Marilla is saving Anne from a terrible situation. It is implied that Anne would not thrive

There’s tribulation, and then there is beingoing pushed off the road. Who is Anne without school? Who is Anne without higher education?

I read the book for the first time a few years ago. As an adult, it is sadder and grittier. Children accept the rules and settings of a story - details that make adults cringe are just story dragons that our young heroines slay with a positive outlook and hard work. I still think of those “adopted” children and what

I wish someone would reanimate Star Trek’s 70's cartoon series.

@smokeytreet - Right? It’s such a limited format, and most of the original cast SNL skits are terrible. The best thing about SNL is finding real talent so they can get other projects.

I love the new cast, and they have a high ratio of good vs terrible skits. Love the women especially. It’s a big reason I wanted to see

By that logic: lets cast Donald Glover. He looks nothing like Harrison Ford, but he’s playing the character Han Solo.

...but my biggest issue was I felt that they asked the four women to hold back.

I was creeped out. There was a particular scene that really scared me.

Wiig is great in funny roles and she was funny in this. Jones played a smart woman, well read on New York history, who gave exposition on haunted locations.

I’d like to see it continue with all kinds of different games.