
That was a whole load of time and money spent on something that anyone can test from the comfort of their own brain. Let's begin.

Definitely engineer, but definitely not sci-fi. Though honestly the list of not-sci-fi engineers consists of... um. Pretty much just her. Things that aren't science-fiction don't usually bother with engineer characters.

This is actually quite clever. Since the whole WBC scam revolves around the hope that they'll be physically assaulted during a picketing so they can sue the state for not protecting them, running up and punching them is playing right into their hands. But this, this is something that can make their lives very

I appreciate the reasonable and understandable horror at the death of a bunch of children. However, I would point out that a crazy man in Japan went and killed as many children some years ago with a kitchen knife. A KITCHEN KNIFE. Any able-bodied adult could easily kill a small child with their bare hands if they

How to make craptons of money:

I had the idea once to put a cat harness on my rabbit so I could take her outside to hop around without fear of her shooting off into the woods. She got tangled in the leash and oh yes, they can definitely scream. She panicked and started thrashing and squealing and was just getting more tangled; I had to grab her

So people are trying to sell handcuffs that are intentionally sending a shock across a person's heart. That's either the worst idea ever or the best idea ever, depending on whether your goal is to kill people.

The account of the event that I first read was that the bride brought the game, and then made him participate in destroying it by doing so in a setting where he was under too much social pressure to refuse. Which is a fairly horrible and abusive thing to do to a person. Creepy virtual girlfriend or not, going and

There is no way to say this that does not sound mean-spirited, so I will have to beg your indulgence in taking my word that I'm not just trolling here: Please do not have children.

Oh, I'm wholly cognizant of how crap twinkies are. If anything, what I'd like to see is a widespread method to make a vastly improved version of them at home, one with a cake that isn't rubber foam and a filling that actually tastes like icing.

I would see heat and performance becoming an issue in an enclosure that thin, as they seem to be shoving a laptop's guts onto the back of a monitor and calling it a desktop. You definitely aren't packing one of the latest-gen video cards in there.

This is why I use dry ice when I want booze to be awesomely smokey. It's pretty much impossible to accidentally drink a big chunk of dry ice floating in the bowl through a straw.

I like the exterior design. It's gaudy as hell, but definitely more interesting than a mirrored rectangular block.

Oh, like that's a real name.

Wow, so having a stupid circle protruding out the back of the thing has just elevated this from "probably buy" to "um. ew. no." in my mind.

I'm certain that mister Akin believes that AIDS only infects "the gays", and as he is super-straight he is quite safe from it.

Epub support? No? Back to reading on my nook, I'll check back for the next generation.

Given that she not only fed the troll, she fed him or her a banquet of the so-called delicious tears, that really only serves to prove the stance rather than disprove it. When confronted with a random asshole on the internet, don't talk to them. And especially don't debate with them or try to imply that you've got

As long as you've bought the latest apple product, sure. More than eighteen months old? Apple doesn't support it any more, doesn't care, and you're a bad person for not having upgraded shame on you.