
The thing that the articles are neglecting is that "lulz" isn't just laughter, it's a particularly nihilistic flavor of laughter. It's the bitter laughter at one's self after doing something stupid and being burned. It's the mean laughter at other peoples' misfortune.

@BigManMalone: This guy isn't a PSN hacker who attacked Sony, he's one of the people who worked on restoring the PS3's ability to have Linux installed.

We had those two decades ago in the boy scouts. They were made of wood and cost like ten bucks. Not including the stove.

@RevengencerAlf: First, please consult your dictionary for the definition of "terror". I don't think it means what you think it means. A terrorist, by gist of the name, is attempting to provoke terror by hurting citizens. A person attacking a government's computer is not terrorizing anybody.

@The Werewolf: No, the antimatter reaction is for the warp drive and primary ship power. He's right, the impulse engines are using fusion. There are several fusion engines sprinkled around the Enterprise-D, for example, as backup power generation.

@RainyDayInterns: If you were only extracting protein from the poop to provide the new protein, you'd eventually run out. However, supplementing with protein from other sources it could go on more or less perpetually.

There are three rebuttals that come to mind:

@pmankow: Yes, how dare anybody protest when the government, which is supposed to be accountable to the people, goes vastly out of its way to obfuscate data before submitting it for the review by the people.

I went to the doctor a few months ago over some inexplicable weight loss I'd experienced. Turns out I was diabetic. Yeah, diabetes can cause weight loss, who knew? Surprise to me too.

In other news, Steve Ballmer appeared for a Friday press conference with mysterious bruises and lacerations, concerning reporters. When asked about his injuries, Mister Ballmer would only laugh quietly and mumble, "I got 'em good this time."

Hey, a TSA machine that doesn't seem built for the purpose of evil. Which means that next month we'll find out that the thing not only gives you rectal cancer, it follows you home after the airport's closed and molests your children.

@EvilDroidClone2: The days of Microsoft being a security joke ended with Vista's release. They're very much on the ball now. Which doesn't help all the poor suckers still running XP, but at this point they sort of deserve it.


@Faxmonkey: No. Gawker's passwords were encrypted, the problem was that they were encrypted with a crappy scheme that was not difficult to break. But even crappy encryption is a world separate from having everything hanging out there in plain text.

Nooooooo. e=mc^2, my friend. If every power plant on Earth was being used to convert energy to matter at an impossible 100% efficiency, the resulting matter would be approximately one gram per minute. So in approximately 689 billion years, we'd finish making that cubic centimeter of super dense stuff.

Motorola locked the X, but the day the X2 hit the shelves there was already a working root program for it. So yeah, locking the bootloaders isn't really slowing anybody down!

Folks, they can't make matter out of nothing. There's no way for them to accidentally make forty billion tons of this stuff without having first stuffed over forty billion tons worth of source material into the collider. Depending on the efficiency loss of the conversion, maybe way more than forty billion tons. The

No, the LCD on the original nook was a little touchscreen below the main e-ink display. It let you have color and animation and touchscreeniness while keeping the benefit of the e-ink. It wasn't meant for you to read the book on the LCD.