What would be the point of the two D-pads?
What would be the point of the two D-pads?
He struggled to turn it into an essay about himself.
Insert gamer autistic screeching.
I wish the HRC would just create a badge that can be applied to all businesses in windows and on Google/Yelp to just helpfully say “I won’t serve these people.”
At this point I’m just here for Luke’s dog-whistle whine and the nerd rage in the comments for shit like this.
So you’re going to be devoting an extra amount of attention on this game because of Tim’s involvement in this, correct?
This is literally gamified Whisper.
This looks dumb and weird as hell.
He is such fucking trash. His fans are even worse. I hope they all end up with miserable lives.
Go back to your PC, nerd.
This game looks very stressful.
Naw you’re fine. I just like taking the piss out of the worst gamers in the world. It’s fine this game is on Steam. BFD.
Epic throws a lot of money at the devs for their exclusivity. Like, A LOT. Enough to finish development and guarantee a certain amount of compensation. Does Value do that?
Oh wow, Steam. Guess I won’t buy it because *reasons* and I am a *gamer* and I cannot support platform exclusivity.
This is based off of a pilates ring and is already a very common device. https://www.verywellfit.com/before-you-buy-a-pilates-magic-circle-2704340
Wow you’re so brave with this take.
Did you see Barry Goodman is now playable?? He is the best part of the game!
This game was so fucking good. I loved it and never finished it. I hope people buy it, as the combat is a fucking delight.
I am at a point where Nolan North and Troy Baker just yank me out of any product. It’s not Tony Stark, it’s the dude whose voice is in everything.
So, I’m saying this as a gay man with no children, who also doesn’t follow every gender norm, I have a couple statements and some questions for the moms out there: