Instead of talking about this, let’s talk about the obnoxious manbaby he’s playing with whose thing seems to be just screaming WADU into his mic occasionally?

I miss Tim Burke

shur bro

so...why is the pole curved like that?

I’ll be fine but all you women better hope you get to be a Martha

Listen, it isn’t necessarily that I disagree with the general thrust of your article, but he is white.

sorry, my Kinja grays out all whinging

Why isn’t it fine? You paid for the game and you get to continue playing it! If you want this optional thing you can pay more for it. Or better yet don’t, and they won’t try to make money this way again.

WEB DuBois called it the psychic wage


JR Smith, que barbaridad” was my personal favorite

because a few Republicans saw the writing on the wall. they specifically cited the Democratic victory in the most recent election as having changed their mind on Medicaid.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">@realDonaldTrump</a> Go fuck yourself.</p>&mdash; Deadspin (@Deadspin) <a

I do not believe this is true. I am not a scientist, but in emergency vehicle operation certification courses, which anyone who drives a siren-ed vehicle must take, it is made very clear that at high rates of speed your siren does not reach as far, giving people less time to react.

This is infuriating.

we had to settle for a second-rate Mussolini

I’ve read that when you flush debris can be ejected from the toilet up to 15ft away. That’s probably what Eric is referring to, though I don’t know his mind and can’t verify the truth of the toilet ejecta tidbit.

Pretty elaborate set up just to burn #DRose for choking

Is that Jake Paul?