
$1600 a year!? I was spending $500-1000 a month in the early 90's in a low-cost-of-living town. And we weren’t going to crazy places. Where I am now, getting out of a decent restaurant for under $100 for two is a rarity.I would hate to see the bill for a dinner in NYC. Averaging $100 for an entire night out, 2 times a

or date. anyone.

So this is why 60% of Americans have no emergency fund.

Good point. I think if, like me, you were a young adult in the Reagan era and lived through what was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union, you definitely get more out of the show than if you grew up after the fall.

I’m married and my wife and I are (finally, long story) living together. I spend a LOT more money with her, just because now I have someone I actually want to do stuff with.

My view on the subject:
If I offer to pay, safe bet things went well.
If I ask for separate checks, that’s my way of saying “umm, I can’t stick around, I need to go home and...umm...vacuum the cat.”
If she asks for separate checks after I offer to pay, I treat that as a neutral result and gauge her interest in a second

When I was still on the market, whether or not the guy paid on the first date tended to be a sign of his interest. If he paid, there’d usually be a second date. If he asked for separate checks, we’d usually go our separate ways. If I asked for separate checks, he assumed I wasn’t interested.

“Roughly half of the men surveyed said men should pay on dates, but only 36% of women agreed”

My rule of thumb is “always offer, but if she declines, don’t push.”

I’m so confused that he’s 1) not American and 2) not gay.

Well, in this case, my soul is personified by Taran Killam, who is married to Cobie Smulders. And yes, as a matter of fact, they do just-so-happen to totally look alike! Check out the eyebrows, the smiles, the noses, the jawlines, the angled foreheads and jutting-out cheekbones...

Yeah, am I old? I was going to say ... um? it was complicated? she had a husband and 2 kids?

He was on his way to college. How the hell did you get pedophilia out of that?

I believe it. This girl is OBSESSED with my husband. She woke him up at 2 am last night just to snuggle and give him kisses. They both started going gray super young. Him in his early 20s, her around 3. This how she sits with him all the time. Even when he sleeps during day, he works nights, she’ll sit near his head

This show is criminally underwatched. It’s one of the best shows on TV. And pretty accurate, period-wise!

That’s how I feel about dogs. The truest human-dog couples look alike.

i love this show AND them but i bet that headline hurts the husband she left for him lol

I’ve been noticing more and more that when a couple is declared to be IRL-OTP or whatever, their facial features will be eerily similar. I mean, just look at these two. It’s like the easiest way to determine your ultimate soulmate is to just search for someone who could be your sibling but isn’t, and ta-da! True love.

I’m trying to get through season 4! I binged the entire 3rd season in a weekend; something I haven’t done since Lost showed up on Netflix.

How much do you love this show? It’s so damn good!

Yeah, I was really excited to finally meet someone who wanted to go out and do things instead of the standard “Let’s do coffee” > “Let’s see a Movie”> “Dinner at my place?” > “Netflix and chill indefinitely”