
Seems like celebrities who get sick with terminal illnesses like cancer, AIDS, etc., seem to try to keep it a secret. I can’t blame them, as having people watch you waste away doesn’t sound fun.

Godammn didn’t even know he was sick. God bless his family

yes because the people you call to complain about your internet speed working on your helpdesk line have any control over that whatsoever.

Two points you missed in the article. The prison officials knew that illegal activity was going on but ignored it. One person has resigned. There is no mention of going over a bandwidth cap, it says there was an attempt to hack through the proxy server by a prison computer that tipped IT off.’s hard enough running an ethernet cable in my house...

Necessity is always the mother of invention!

Naw, those guys went to the same guy that did Riddick’s eye shine, and got computers installed in their brains a la Johnny Mnemonic, and would just plug in the thumb drive in their butt usb port and then watch their shows a la Black Mirror Season 1 Episode 3 “The Entire History of You”.

If your organization is anything like mine, yes, making them work the help desk would be appropriate punishment. Some would consider it cruel and unusual though.

And yet I work for a big corporation and my ‘net barely works and I can’t get half my stuff done due to all the I/T problems we have. Can we put these two guys on our help desk line??

Not straightforward. Maybe backward? I think Tennant should get one more season. His final run was depressing, and his last words were, “I don’t want to go.” He’s already regenerated himself once, so I’d would it would fit for him to reassert himself again. I think it would be great for him to come back even, just one

Maybe it’s different because he tries to control it, but instead of just choosing his look he has to fight really hard against himself to settle on the look and it comes out all wrong.

Two Masters this season. He splits into two Doctors.

Calling it now, Doctor regenerates into the master... or rather Harold Saxton/ John Simms version of the master... but he’s not the master but the Doctor.

The Doctor’s regenerations have never been simple affairs ever since the Time Lords forced his first regeneration against his will as a punishment. Whilst other Time Lords and Ladies have a degree of control over their regenerations the Doctors were violent affairs often very painful and beyond his ability to control

Is this regeneration different because this time there’ll be a gender change as well as a realignment of facial features?