I wouldn’t really call it an exploit. It’s just a REALLY huge oversight by Bungie.

Damnit Kirk! You had to let the secret out. Now Bungie’s going to patch it and it’s all your fault! ;)

There should be a quest-line where at the end of it you bath Thorn in the Traveler’s light and it turns it back into Rose.

You’re still missing the point man. Jim doesn’t want to do the nightfall right now, he wants to play with his friends and do what they’re doing. But he feels he has to do the nightfall first because of missing out on the extra XP.

Sorry, I don’t think I explained it well enough.

I think they removed the buff for people that don’t have a regular group to play with and have a hard time finding people to do the Nightfall with. They don’t want them to feel left out or have that feeling that they HAVE to do the Nightfall first. Basically they want to give players options to play what they want,

The game seriously has improved A LOT since December. I really recommend you giving it another go when Taken King comes out. Who knows, you may be pleasently surprised. If you find you still don’t like it, then the game isn’t for you. That’s all there is to it. No need to hate on a game you don’t like nor play

No, if you don’t buy Taken King you’ll still be able to level up to 40. You just will only be able to play the nightfall on weeks that it’s a vanilla Destiny strike. Same as if you didn’t have TDB and HoW’s.

They’ve said it many times in a lot of interviews about the Taken King. They want to allow players to play what they want and not feel obligated to do a certain activity first or play a certain activity in order to get the better rewards.

Honestly, sounds a hell of a lot like 343 Guilty Spark from Halo, to me. Nothing like Dinklebot.

And Halo:MCC

Wow, that’s awesome. I need to do this if this ever happens. They were relying on you to finish the strike for them.

So teabagging is the worst thing you could ever do apparently but dancing or sitting on someones dead corpse is Okay? That’s crazy... It’s all taunting regardless of whether it’s teabagging or not.

“The seating part is an issue, but it’s more related to how they lead to back problems, as well as longer office hours disrupting eating and sleeping patterns that affects the health of office workers. As well as lack of awareness for strain injuries related to back, neck, wrists and elbows due to repetitive strain.

You hit the nail on the head right there.

While I would group bowling in with gaming and other “sports” like darts, etc... even when bowling you use more of your body than gaming. Try going bowling for a few hours after you haven’t bowled in a long while and tell me you’re not sore as hell. My point is, bowling is not a valid comparison to gaming and actually

I agree with you man. I’m a gamer through and through (probably play too much) and I do not consider eSports gamers Athletes (same as bowlers, dart players, etc.) and those trying to argue the fact are kidding themselves.

Why do I see so many people wanting buffs to everything rather than the other way around. If you had your way all guns would one-shot you and you would basically be playing CoD Hardcore mode. Fuck that.

I’m so sad about the nerf for The Last Word. That is my favorite gun in the game and not just because it wrecks in PvP, it’s just that the feel of the gun feels perfect to me.(which is why i’m really disappointed about the stability nerf). But honestly, overall, I’m excited for the changes. This will really give PvP