A new 2D Metroid.

I think I'll have to check out the Batman game. I don't have a 3DS so I can't really check out Castlevania. I thought that game wasn't really fully a metroidvania game though. Like it gave the illusion that it was but it really was more of a linear game? Don't quote me on that, I may be completely wrong but I thought

This makes me so happy. I want a new 2D Metroid so badly. Really, when I think about it, there hasn't been a metroidvania style of game that has come out in a long time. Why haven't any indie studios tackled that genre? Or for that matter, why haven't any large studios created one? Like how Ubisoft has been creating a


Xbox One does use Bluray so I wouldn't say it's too hard to fit all of that on one disc.


From what I'm reading, yes, it is the exact Halo 2 engine from when it was first developed. So any glitches will be intact.

There were quite a lot of exclusives announced, were you watching the same keynote that I watched?

Yea, but that's really just 3 games(HL:2, TF2 and Portal) and 2 expansions.

Will CEA really have the original MP because I'm sold on that fact alone. That was the biggest letdown for me when I got CEA, finding out that they were using Halo Reach's multiplayer engine. I want my three shot pistol/sniper goddamnit!

I know there's a lot of diehards that probably swear by gamecube controllers when playing smash bros. but I actually like the wii u pro controller and would prefer to use that. Still really awesome of Nintendo to do this and like Jason said, this may be a precursor to a gamecube VC?!?

The sword is so perfect, it's crazy! Well done.

You do realize that you can buy an Xbox One without the Kinect now, right?

Damn, you beat me to it. This is hilarious, cart guy gives no fucks.

The music in Journey made the game for me. Don't get me wrong it's a great game without the music but the soundtrack changed my view on the game from being...good to being one of my favorite games of all time.

First I'd like to say...a Macbook and an iPad?!? No self-respecting technician would be using a macbook there's just too much in the business world based around Windows, especially on the server/back-end side of things. Mac's are great and all, I have one at home, but IMHO they do not belong in the business world.

See, that's what bothers me so much. So many gamers absolutely HATE the xbox one because it's "focused more on TV/non-game stuff" but in the end they're both consoles that both play games. Who the hell cares if one has more features that aren'te geared towards video games. It just doesn't make sense to me, who in

haha I was going to say the same thing, there's a summer lull because devs expect people to be out and about all summer therefore not playing/buying as many games.

Wow I was about to comment saying that I don't mind the CGI turtles and how everyone is getting way too bent out of shape about it but the turtles without the nostrils do look A LOT better. Then again, real turtles do have nostrils so at least its anatomically correct.

Aw man I miss those days. The Halo:CE LAN parties were some of the funnest times I had in High School. We really got into it. There were rivalries, even fights sometimes(not actually fist to the face fights but there were some serious wrestling going on after some of the matches) from all of the trash talk.