The gaming industry is VERY different from the 5th and 6th gen console battles, you can't even begin to compare them to this coming next gen. With games like COD and Halo, gamers have much more loyalty to specific consoles than they did before(if only for the fact that they're so familiar and comfortable with the

After finishing the whole series so far this year (twice) It's now one of my favorite shows ever if not, number 1. Love the show...Like the others have said start with the "new" Doctor who that started in 2005.

That's unfortunate, but some of the aspects of that are pretty unnecessary. (SSD, quad core proc)...if it is set to be in the $1000 range I have even less hope for this being successful.

You're high on crack if you think a $500 gaming PC wont play the latest games. I just built one for around $600 that can play all of the latest games 90% of them on high settings. Remember, it has linux on it. So that's around $100 right there, that Valve wont have to pay to MS.

I see a lot of people saying that the price tag will be too high. There's two things that Valve has to worry about more than the price tag.

It definitely won't be $1000. Maybe 500 or 600(which is what 360 and ps3 were at launch) not $1000.

I could see it working, it just means that they would need to add a few more things. Maybe a full campaign giving you the background/beginning of the zombie outbreak, things like that. They've already added quite a lot of stuff to BO2, like Tranzit and Grief(although grief sucks, at least they're trying though.)

You can't compare those two games. They are completely different games. When L4D gets a mystery box, currency, the ability to buy guns, power ups and unlockable areas in-game then we'll talk.

It could easily be a downloadable $15 game though...

"Fuck just give us a zombies only game already"

haha yea I know. Fortunately, for him, we never got that far in the game :)

When I was really young I remember playing (well starting to play...I was too young to be able to beat the game) FFVII with my best friend and naming Tifa after a girl that I had a crush on and my buddy naming Aerith after a girl he liked. It really added to the experience. Made me care more about what happened

Yes, but when it comes to movies there needs to be more of a balance between obscurity and story telling. If there's too little explanation of what's going on, the movie just comes off as pretentious and, frankly, boring.

haha, that would at least be true to the source material because half the time all you hear when your playing the game is "AGRO! AGRO! AGRO!AGRO! AGRO! AGRO!"

True, small amounts of dialogue could work if you have the right director and writer(s) but I don't see it being good at all. It would be a movie about a kid and his horse just continuously going out to find a colossi, killing it, returning to the temple, rinse and repeat...over and over again. That is not good movie

haha True, in it's simplest form it does sound awesome, but no dialogue and a very vague story could equal a very boring movie even with epic colossi battles.

That would be the most boring movie of all time, even with the premise and colossi. I don't think they should make a movie of this game at all. I just don't see it working because I agree with you that it should have very little dialogue to stay true to the story but on the other hand, a movie needs dialogue.

That's a genius idea! The only problem would be the lack of dialogue...which really is a problem with it being a real-life film too. Not sure how they're going to pull this movie off with about a max of like 10 characters in the whole game (90% of them only being in the game for like 5 minutes)

That was actually done purposefully. Part of the greatness of that game is the turmoil you feel killing these innocent creatures for your own selfish purpose of saving your Girlfriend/friend/wife/sister/whoever-she's-supposed-to-be.

I'll take 16-bit sprites over this any day. I'm sure it looks good for a 3DS game and such but I just can't stand shitty 3D models.