This first paragraph is actually my feelings on Dishonored at the moment. I like the game but I also don't like it. I can understand why others like it but I'm not "feelin' it" myself.
This first paragraph is actually my feelings on Dishonored at the moment. I like the game but I also don't like it. I can understand why others like it but I'm not "feelin' it" myself.
hahahaha wow. This is amazing, I might use hologram for awhile just for this reason. Glad to see 343 has a sense of humor.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
It sounds like it's just a little delayed from when the games happened and when it's posted on the Waypoint servers.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Halo 1 was my first captivating gaming experience I had. I've loved games since before I can remember but when Halo came around in High School I became obsessed. (and very very good with at the game if I may say so myself) We would have LAN parties almost every weekend. Great times.
So in Halo Reach, the Pistol, for example, wouldn't get less accurate the faster you shot it? Because it did...
Yea, I know but I wasn't really basing it on that. I feel like he gave it an 8 just because it was halo and he loved halo so much. But you are right 8's still a pretty good score.
Very interesting read.
Yea, you're right...they sold out awhile ago. This is just ridiculous though...
I thought V.A.T.S. was horrible and boring to use. It took all of the excitement out of combat. Why would I want to go to a menu and choose an option to shoot an area of the body rather than actually doing it myself?
This is very very disappointing, it feels like, to me, that G4 is selling out.
This is phenomenal! I pre-ordered the deluxe version...I wonder how much it will go for on ebay. I was originally getting it for myself but I'm realizing as the release date gets closer that, while I can afford it, I'd rather spend my money on other things at the moment. Then just wait until more/better games come out…
You know it's spelled 'titanic' right? or am I missing something here? different ship?
Not if they're sourcing what they're talking about.
When I saw the magnets feature I was so happy. It's what should have been in the first version of Forge. Getting the structures to fit just right takes up about 90% of the time you spend in forge.
Wow some of the little things they added go a LONG way. Screw little big planet, Halo 4 forge has to be the best (console) level editor there is.
Surprisingly good character development for Halo (aside fromt he books of course).
I try not to use this word any more but that was a retarded statement.
"because of my current bingeing of Borderlands 2 and Doctor Who."