I definitely won't be purchasing these editions due to how expensive they probably are but a hover drone? How freekin awesome is that?!

Yea I was going to say the same thing. I could fit into any one of those categories at any one time.

These are awesome suggestions, Gawker are you listening? The promotion/demotion thing is great because people will promote a good and thoughtful comment rather than just showing the "most popular" aka the comment most replied to which can a lot of the time be a troll doing what trolls do.

Yikes, this is bad. I was okay will all the previous changes and I kind of set aside my dislikes and moved on but this, this is crazy. The two columns doesn't work in this situation, for Timeline it does because it has a lot more stuff than just words. Have all of these comments kind of bunch together is horrendous.

I was looking over the artist website again and noticed that he created a whole bunch of posters for the Arctic Monkeys(one of my favorite bands) in addition to the already awesome video game posters! I think I just fell in love.

There is, it's called posterburner.com, I looked around after I posted the above comment. But I think I'm just going to get them from the shop on the artists website, to give the artist some money.

I did go there, but now that I looked a second time I saw the very very small link for the shop. Thank you.

So...where do I go to get actual physical posters of these...posters...

If that's really why you didn't get hired that's ridiculous. Just by taking one more step to figure it out "you did it the wrong way." That's crazy.

Yea the other 20% (including me) are voting for Obama.

There it is, you are a perfect example of how our political system is WAY to polarized. At this point it's almost like the two parties are disagreeing with each just to disagree because the other party(in their eyes) is so evil. I can understand some things but they pretty much disagree on everything. It's become a

This figure doesn't surprise me at all. I'm 24 and all of my friends are within 3 years of my age and i'd say about 80% either don't care or have no idea, mostly don't care though.

If that's the "wrong" answer then I'm curious to find out what the "right" answer is. Because I probably would have figured it out the same way. Estimated population then estimate how many patients one dentist can handle and then use that proportion for the whole population of the US.

There are plenty of instances where tablets are shown in a scifi film or book even before the 70's.

What exactly does metro-native mean though? Does that mean the app, lets say steam for example, would show up on the main screen (or any screen really) in the metro interface? Or is it more for the backend stuff as well. Things like getting it fully integrated into metro, having the games go to the right place,

I feel like there's WAY to many assumptions and it's way too early to tell how this will fare with gaming. I'm sure Valve hasn't created a Windows 8 version of steam yet which I'm sure will make a lot of what she was talking about moot. For example installing games from steam and them not showing up in the games

Wow, I forgot about beast wars. I loved that show when I was younger. From what I remember it had a pretty deep and complicated story.

I can't believe nobody's suggested Dr. Who, the best SciFi show ever IMO. At the least it would be a great point and click adventure game since every episode the doctor finds himself in a situation where he basically has to think his way through rather than fight his way through. ALSO, it was even made into a one

What in the world are you referring too? I see nowhere where the author "calls for the death of the traditional PC gaming" or even predicts that it will happen.