"Blinding me with science - science!"

I don't blame you. I felt the same way, hence why I rented it first. But if you somehow get the change, try it out.

I always suggest castle crashers as a great couch co-op game. Try it out, very fun.

I'm not gonna tell you to buy the game or anything just thought I'd share my experience.

That's exactly what it is. Non-gamers/non-serious-gamers don't appreciate the storyline in games. They always assume you're playing something just as mindless as COD or other games games like it that you don't really need to pay attention, you just need to kill every enemy you see.

This happens to me ALL THE TIME. I have TWO friends that are just like that. The second they get to my house, they don't stop talking and then they get mad when I'm not listening to them because I'm trying to hear the game...and, no, you don't suck at multitasking and yes, it urks the hell out of me too.

Happens all the time for me with Halo. I come back to it after a few weeks of not playing it and it's just like riding a bike.

That's because we're better and we drink coffee ;)...I kid, I kid.

haha I'm dieing, picturing you pinching your nose throughout the day

There was some buzz around it when it came out on XBL. I played it then. It's a really good game.

Thought the same thing.

I'm not sure about the newer DS ones but I played pokemon WAY back when the first game came out on gameboy and they were basically stand alone. I think the difference between the games is that each game has a few different pokemon available to catch.


You're not alone. Some of the fez puzzles are the hardest I've ever come across. The problem I have with some of them is that they're way too obscure. Like you said with the throne puzzle. You have to be standing behind the throne for it to work? Come on now. There's not indication showing that you should stand behind

I like to think it has to do with Link turning into a purple bunny in the dark world.

I'd rather see a sequel...also I want it on the Wii, since I don't have a 3DS :)

"Most games don't even have 4 modes. Uncharted has gunplay, parkour, stealth combat and puzzle solving."

You could take off the keyboard and clean that separately from the computer. That way you can use water and such.

I have a shmup that's close to my heart as well for quite a long time, but never beat it. It is U.N Squadron, I love that game. I finally beat it a few years ago, great feeling.

I'm actually more attracted to the colorful environments rather than the games with the realistic graphics. So I'm more of a fan of the art in games like Rayman: Origins, Bastion, Braid, Fez, Journey (not sure if Journey is necessarily in the "colorful" category but I wouldn't exactly call it realistic either, aside