What's with the whole Project365 thing? I mean I get the idea of what it is "Take one picture a day" but is it for a class, something to boost your photo portfolio or just something to do for fun? I'm just curious because I see a few friends on facebook doing the same thing.
Have you played Half-Life 1? That's basically a requirement to play Half-Life 2.
Thanks, yea I have ran into quite a few variants of that virus sometimes it's a huge bitch to remove. Just last week I ran into what was called "Vista home security 2012" or something along those lines. I had to go through some very specific steps to get rid of that damn thing.
I completely agree the then/than grammar mixup REALLY bothers me for some reason. Contrary to what Ateryu said, it bothers me the most out of the other ones (your/you're etc) I think because then and than sound different your and you're sound the same, same with there, their, they're. So when I'm reading then when it…
There's a sweet spot between linearity and sandoxness(not a word) that only a small amount of games seem to accomplish. I know exaclty what you're talking about. I think Red Dead did it quite well.
go to safe mode (restart and keep hitting F8 then select, safemode with networking) download, install and update malwarebytes free and run a Full Scan. If that doesn't work try a few others, spybot, tdsskiller, superantispyware. Should clean it up.
Sounds like you REALLY hate fetch quests...you should probably avoid Zelda.
haha genius comment, pure genius.
That's unfortunate, the second half of EVERY Zelda game is about 10 times better than the first half. You should try pushing through one of them.
haha that "joke" is even more played out than people saying "I love Skyrim!"
My personal "great" game that I can't push through/force myself to play is Oblivion. Which is mostly why I haven't really been excited for Skyrim at all. I may grab it from gamefly and try it out though, with all this hype there has to be something I might light about it, who knows.
This was a great article, I was always curious as to how the netoworking worked in games, especially shooters.
75 or 100 times? haha damn. I've had a cell phone for about 10 years and it's happened to me once. And that was only because it was a pretty old phone and I forgot to lock it...that being said, I never forget to lock it anymore.
Not saying I know much about this, but wouldn't your DNA have to already be in the police database (aka already charged with a serious crime) to have your blood be a possible indicator of your identity. In other words, if the person never committed a crime before their DNA would be useless, unless somehow they were a…
I don't get that though, I've never heard of this happening... what I mean is, how are the numbers 911 dialed just from "butt dialing" like how does your pocket dial 9-1-1 then call? Is there some kind of key combination that's standard with all phones that, by defualt, dials 911?
Reach was only a let down because people expected so much of it. I think it's a great game and one of the most polished games out there. In terms of polish, Skyrim is a piece of shit compared to Reach. (again, IN TERMS OF POLISH, I'm looking at you Skyrim fans)