That main character really looks like elmo lol. But as far as your question. I always love a good Zelda game during the holidays. I guess because that's when I also got the games, for xmas. And I usually had a lot of free time to play through them. Will do the same with Skyward Sword this year...except I'm about 90%

If it's a problematic glitch I would assume it can be an exploitable glitch which means people can use to cheat...why would you post it on youtube and here then? That kind of counteracts what you're trying to prevent doesn't it?

Don't you mean A Link to the Past, not Wind Waker? Wind Waker looks amazing but it's still polygonal art (aka 3D art). A Link to the Past is sprite art. Just saying your comparison kinda loses its relevance there. I get what you're trying to say though.

Just picked it up, thanks for the heads up. Pretty sweet game.

I was/am similar to you in multiple ways, I was a varsity soccer player in high school, I hung out with the "popular" kids but I'm a pretty reserved/somewhat shy person so meeting new people is tough. I got lucky though. When I went to college I ended up rooming with a semi-friend I had in high school (he was more of

That's so true I saw an episode of Big Bang Theory the other day where they were playing halo, it was ridiculous. It's funny too because out of those three shows Big Bang is the "nerdiest". You would think that would be the most true to how you actually use the controller and such.

That's it! I never knew you could catch the birds for the feathers, thank you.

I would like to do side-quests and upgrade my gear but I really just want to finish the game because I got it through gamefly and I want to rent another game. I have done a few side-quests but I actually haven't upgraded much at all. I can't seem to find the top left two items that I need to upgrade really anything.

Is no one excited for Bioshock infinite? I don't see it in any of the replies WTF.

Isn't that the point of sports though to? to have fun? yet there are professions and a multi-billion dollar industry behind it.

Halo: Anniversary is awesome. That three shot pistol will never get old (even though they're using the Reach engine for the multiplayer, it's still awesome.)

Not necessarily, like others have said, Gamefly has less distribution centers than Netflix. Which would be why it would take longer for the game to get to the dist. center, because it is most likely further away than the closest Netflix dist. center.

I agree with uncle Jesse, GOW. The PSP games are actually pretty good. I was lucky, my roommate in college had a PSP and god of war so I was able to play it and I was surprised at how good it was.

Yea but I read it more like, "Yea I'm obviously trolling because it's such an obvious thing that there are only two controller ports on an NES" rather than "I'm obviously trolling because I everyone knows there are multitaps for the NES"

There were plenty of multitap peripherals that allows four controllers for the NES and SNES.

haha I love your comment. It makes me giggle when people judge a game before they've played it in its entirety.

I completely agree. You can't tell whether he's being sarcastic or serious the entire time you're reading the article. He goes back and forth every other paragraph, either that or he's serious the whole time...if that's the case he is absolutely schizophrenic. It's just not good writing. I get his point but it was

Did you really just shorten cellphone? REALLY?!

I'm 24 and I played(and still do) A LOT of NES and SNES growing up. Granted, I have 2 older brothers, one 3 years older, the other 8 years older so I had a lot of exposure to NES and SNES growing up. I've had a controller in my hand since I could hold a controller in my hand.

I Am Legend, anyone?