If you're going to take a jab at someone at least get it right...it's "consumerism"
If you're going to take a jab at someone at least get it right...it's "consumerism"
Absolutely. It seems that both shop keeps are REALLY weird. It makes you wonder how the Japanese (or just particularly, Nintendo) really perceive merchants...they must be really weird people in Japan? I don't know, but both Beedle and the guy at the main Skyloft Bazaar are really weird. But just like every other…
ah I see. Well if it's an consolation, the RAM is damn fast and SATA 3's the fastest out right now. (but I'm sure you already know that) I don't see anywhere, where it states the RPM's of the drive or what drive is used in the computer for that matter.
I'd say that's a pretty damn good PC. I can't speak much for the video card not up to date on all of that (my current PC is about 5 years old) so I don't know how good it is. But judging by the 2 GB of RAM it's probably a pretty good card.
Well, considering my router is about 10-12 feet from my xbox and headset receiver and I haven't seen any problems I think you'll be fine in that respect. I actually haven't seen interference in the opposite direction.(xbox interfering with the headset, I have the slim model as well)
I own the X41's and they're awesome. I don't really mind the wire going from the headset to the controller, I don't really notice it. But I agree that my next set is going to be Bluetooth enabled and rechargeable batteries. That thing eats through AAA batteries like it's its job. But really, the headset wire isn't…
I was thinking you could do that but never tried enough to successfully do it. It's a lot easier with a shield.
I can imagine some hilarious TAY pics for December, great choice haha.
Castle Crashers, I promise you won't be disappointed, if you don't like that game co-op then I seriously don't know how you would like video games period.
Yea, like the others have said, you're not anywhere close to the end.
For posts with videos, instead of clicking on the picture to read the article, click on the title of the post. I don't think it auto-plays when you do that.
I always have a shield equipped mainly because it just looks right. But really I RARELY use it. I find using the A button(aka Dodge...the backflip dodge also looks awesome when you're fighting bosses) it's a much better tactic and it also takes out the whole part about worrying about your shields durability.
I noticed that too. Whenever you bring up an item that uses the aiming it uses the direction the wiimote was facing as the center. So I've been trying to make sure I have the wiimote pointed at the center of the screen whenever I bring up the slingshot for example.
"I'd love to see him work on a Zelda game in the future."
The dungeon for the first flame is awesome. It seems the dungeons keep getting better as the game continues. The boss is also the best so far. It's pretty cool how you have to beat the boss.
Wow, you have WAY more patience than I do. If that happened to me I would be flipping out and would probably never play the game again or not for a VERY long time. Not fully out of spite but for the sheer fact that I couldn't go through that again, even with a different "more focused" character...not after I just got…
I knew I had you hearted for a reason, loving walking dead then stating your love for Lost. I fancy your tastes sir.
I think the funniest part about it is that they were 28 and 30 years old...really? I'm 24 and I'm not nearly that immature. I would actually expect that from people around my age, and wouldn't be surprised, but 28 and 30? come on children, grow up.