I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this but this game is very high on the list of games I want this fall above skyrim, assassins creed and batman ac. I have a soft spot for 2d platformers though. They should (and really they are) be their own genre and I hope the genre keeps growing. I'm loving this trend of

Huh? I'm positive I've seen articles saying that bg&e 2 is in production right now.

I'm right there with ya, sweatpants and a t-shirt. I even have a favorite pair of sweatpants, no other pair will do. Damn those things are getting ratty. I've worn them almost every day in college and still wear them almost every day and I'm 2 years out of college, oh and I've had them since my sophomore year of high

what about steam?

I'm not your friend, buddy!

Seriously, it looks like a great game, it's getting really great reviews as well. I will be picking this up down the line, at the very least renting it.

I know, it's crazy. On the thread at IGN I saw Uncharted fanboys and Skyrim fanboys just going at it about who deserved a 10 and who didn't blah blah, just enjoy the game, jesus.

Both, you and Strangelove, completely misread my comment lol I have nothing against Skyrim. Not trolling at all. Just making fun of whiny fanboys in general. Again, not attack Skyrim at all.

haha no not at all I don't mind the series at all. I just thought it was funny looking at the comments at IGN...guy

So IGN gave Skirym a 9.5. Let the fanboy crying begin (since it wasn't given a perfect 10) boo hoo :(

A quick google search will tell you what it does. But since you don't seem to have the ability to do that here's what it does.

hmm, possibly. Every time I've done it, it's been 99 cents.

Not to be "that guy" but it's 99 cents, not free :)

"I know why we have reservations"

I'm not sure of what your issue is here. Whether you get it from Amazon or Wal-mart, you will still have to wait until after the King thing. Are you saying you won't be able to get in on friday since you won't be home and UPS won't leave it there unless you're home?

No, that's a special dog tag game mode.

so last nights episode was good? I watched like the first 3 episodes then stopped, I got bored with it. It seemed like a subpar show that would be on the scifi channel or something. Maybe I'll watch last nights and see how it was.

The thing that so many people overlook the most is the fact that Nintendo knows gameplay unlike any other.

I couldn't have said it better myself Ueziel. That's why I will play every iteration of Mario or Zelda for however long Nintendo keeps making them.

Nope, I love me some linear games. I like both equally.