Utz the Crab Chip

Others have said it. “Moving on” is fine when it comes with acknowledgement and contrition. “Moving on” does not mean denial and sweeping it under a rug. JUST THIS YEAR Penn State held a ceremony where they honored Paterno’s 50th anniversary which leads me to believe that Penn State fans aren’t really all that

They can move on, but the term “healing process,” has a connotation that Penn State was a victim in this.

Yeah, that poor, victimized football program. They’ve really overcome the tragedy of people almost caring about little boys getting fucked in their showers more than winning games.

There are real victims, and none of them play for Penn State.

The horror! An adult drank a beer in front of the childr-...er, in front of...

As a (semi-) responsible adult, I frown on displays such as this. As someone who was once in college and still has a sense of humor, that was pretty funny and probably didn’t hurt anybody. nbd.

Yeah - I wish we had done the same. Been married 11 years now and I found out on that day that all the planning didn’t really enhance as much about the day as she intended. My advice for couples planning a wedding now is:

Anytime I read lists like this about weddings it makes me happy that my wife and I have so few fucks to give.

Hilary can’t afford to do that. She plays down to his level, she loses the election. It’s as simple as that, she knows it and trump knows it.

Cannot believe this has not been posted yet in rebuttal!

Sure, no one gets excited for a third and short, or a one on one presnap matchup with a premier receiver vs a db in the redzone. No one ever pauses their tv if they have to do something before a prolific returner is about to get a kick. 2 minute drills to get in field goal range? I’ve got grass to mow.

This is worse than a soccer take.

If Americans wanted to watch Rugby then they would watch Rugby. It turns out that Americans don’t want to watch Rugby.

If it doesn’t happen already, something cute and fuzzy should have to die any time the “only 10 mins of action in 3 hour time frame” hot take is vomited out of somebody’s face hole.

All of those benefits sound like negatives.

The balk rule is there to prevent deception of the runners. Since it’s completely obviously an accident, why was it ruled as an attempt to deceive the runners?

Currently, the hypothetical team (let’s call them the Smets) is actually 5 games under .500. If the Smets are 10-20 and the first place team is 15-15, then the Smets are 5 games back of the first place team. (i.e., 10 half-games or 10 wins) I can have this opinion but also simultaneously believe that the Smets are ten

He’s wrong, but because something like 1/3 of the adults in this country don’t drink. That leaves an upper-limit of 66% for beer.

Gee whiz, does this study in probability put into account the players who aren't willing to trade/sell their spaces?

This isn't strategy; it's an explanation of what kind of luck to hope for. In Monopoly, you buy every unowned property you land on, and most people know that..