

What I've learned from this story:

This is why you are my favorite commenter on this site. If that was an option, my Hawke would have showed him things that he have never seen before, and maybe slipped a few fingers in the butt. Only 3.

This is what I was wondering as well. I seem to remember one publisher talking about how the Cloud computing power will make the game look 10x better. If this is dropped will that mean there is a waterdown version {Where it does not use the cloud) and a ultra supreme dynamite being version?

....Wouldn't it be a 180? A 360 would be back at the DRM.

It'll get here eventually. Sega likes taking it's sweet ass time for no reason.

Just wanted to point out that Phantasy Star Universe did this on 360. You only needed a silver account to play online mode.

Mistaken. You have a month to "Purchase" those games. As long as they are in your download list and your sub is current, you can play them well into forever.

Sony lets you keep them for as long as your Sub is current.

This is how I will always remember this E3.

Yet your opinion is just an opinion. Doesn't matter what your education is. I thoroughly enjoyed Bastion for all that it presented. My opinion is based on the fact it's my opinion.

Who care? PS+ blew Live out the water when they added the instant game collection. As long as they keep up that program adding multiplayer to a subscription service is not a big deal.

So have you played Killer Instinct? When you input the 30 hit combo the announcer yells out "Ultra". This is basically what Sony did to MS and I caught that only watching the tail end of their presentation.

You do realize that Duke was flopped before Gearbox even got it, right?

Having to see this and see everyone else depressed me.

Yep, It was the sex hoodie. Ubisoft's Mark of Cain hoodie is just too generic. IT's a damn shame that they don't capitalize on the characters outfit, I'd totally buy Ezio entire wardrobe. Actually maybe it is a good thing that they don't.

Not to mention that someone always gets shot and/or stabbed over a Sony console.

Are you the owner of that hoodie? Cause I am bloody jealous and I need to know who to direct this jealousy to.

yes, Yes, YES!!!!!