SNES: Enderman Edition
PS: Don't look at it.
SNES: Enderman Edition
PS: Don't look at it.
You have just complete me. No one disses the Shadow. Together we shall put Fahey in front of a firing squad. Now if only I can get another Shadow the Hedgehog game that is not Shadow the Hedgehog 2.
Oh god. if my six year old self could materialize in the now, he'd kick my ass for getting so stupid that I could never beat that stage and by extension, that game, ever again.
5'5 @ 100 Lbs? Holy crap. I am going to assume you are female, as male at that weight is about 30 lbs underweight.
I say take the deal and just skip the 700 generation. It usually takes a good amount of time for the games to catch up and even then, the 660 should hold out until you have a generation gap.
Cause your friends don't prance
Sounds like our money is going to a good cause!
It must be different everywhere as at my local gamestop, they stopped accepting PS2 Trade-ins on April 1st and still have the sign set up saying such.
What the hell? It was a bloody HD port of a PS2 game. It only suffered from the exact same problems that the original had. What did they expect when it's not rebuilt from the ground up? Hell the game still looks great compared to most HD ports.
Oh god, the legend of Swimming. This clip is never able to be forgotten.
Not a gay dude/ nor a fangirl, but I am TOTALLY in support of this because of the seizure inducing colors and sexiness of the animation due to the original clip. I shall watch this with much gusto!
Thank you, internet
By far the best review I have read today. Also all hail boneless chicken.
I own a Vita and the bashing isn't ruining it for me. I have to agree with the bashing. The Vita isn't even doing a trickle release. The handheld is pretty much obsolete at this point with the only hope that the PS4 will breathe some life into it for a second chance.
I may be wrong, but is it not that most of EA's PC game and even some of it's console game have integration with Origin? I seem to remember not having to sign up for Origin because I already had an EA account from one of the NFS or DA. If that is actually the case and compounding onto the fact that they won't put the…
Am I a bad person for laughing at the
Since this study has been done, can we do the colour rubberband things with consoles? You know, where the consoles shows how far you will go?