Fine with us, Japan. I rather go with China Anyway.
Fine with us, Japan. I rather go with China Anyway.
Surprised the Master Race has not came in to kick while the kicking is good.
Oh I am sure it is not Konami and Atlus(at the time Disgaea was released) complaining, those were just some examples. I would have used the deal where it took 6 years to find a PS2 copy of MvC2, but then I'd have to include Gamestops unsavory practice. I found it at a Gamestop in Hawaii for 139.99 Used.
Until we start getting Steam-like deals on the PS/Live Network, I will continue to buy used. I shouldn't have to pay 20 bucks for ancient game nor should have I have to fly to a different state to buy a game because they don't make enough copies (Looking at you Disgaea and Z.o.E. 2ND Runner.)
Ubisoft is kinda right. I don't want to see AC Japan. Give me some AC China! Give the something different from Dynasty Warriors.
I may be crazy, but isn't that a white mad catz wireless ps2 controller that operates on 2.4 Ghz? Back when 80% of the products were about as durable as a piece of paper?
Praise be to Tecmo Bo. May his godliness shine down upon the believe and cast those non-believers into Madden hell.
I want that glorious shirt.
As long as this can still happen, I don't care.
This is the trailer of the new content for SFxT, obviously. Luke needs to do more research. Can't wait to play as Gaga. Heard her "poke her face" cross over was pretty mean.
Well I started from due to getting the PS3 version so maybe I won't be affected when I decide to stop dicking around in multiplayer/side-quest.
I agree. I am going to have to beat the game now just so if I can see if all this bitching about a game ending is actually justified (Not like it really ever is)
Everyone is so focused on the main part, but I am going to go with the Legend of Legaia piece. While the game has very generic story, the battle system was better than all of the numerical FF entries on the PSone.
Holy crap. You are the guy that ran with Bordeaux and I back when PSU PC was a thing in the US. Small internet. Anyway my Vita has prepared itself to be violated by this.
Wasn't it Mass effect 2 that had a critical flaw in the PS3 version where it would crash and corrupt the save file? I think it was, since I do remember having to start over and being pissed about it. Ironically, right before the final mission in ME3 I had a very lovely crash....
I found something similar in the AC3 Arena. it was kinda of a circular area and it had gates if you got on top of it the AI would get stuck in the entrance way and waste all their ammo. Stage was a godsend when I got it.
Oh I had a wonderful time in the Arena of AC3 I believe it was. It was pretty much the only area of the game that I could do a decent job in. When it came to missions I baaaaaaaaaaaarely made it.
Wait, there is piracy on the Droid? Doesn't he mean iOS? Not trying to be a fanboy here, but I have yet to read or see any article or pirated materials. Maybe I should do a specific google search.
Man, I could never get into the AC games past the customization. The difficulty is just too damn high right off the bat.