
But I have this skateboard controller that says they do exist.....

Uh, so was this a ritual prayer for victory for them?

This reason actually makes sense and it sure as hell beats downloading a gig patch to play a game just because I didn't want to pay for some characters that I will probably use only once before I lock in a main team. Either way you people are going to end up paying for it so I don't see the complaint. Either put it on

Better question is do anyone care about his opinion on anything, especially Video Games? Honestly I haven't cared about anything this man said since Siskel and Ebert, even then I practically didn't care since it was on cause there was nothing else to watch.

Yeah, Mad Leader and IT were best friends in my closet at 4 years old.

Uh, I think you are on your own with the things in this video. Now if you had the green faced man from Infiltrator, totally would agree. 4 years old, dude was all up in my closets and under my bed.

How is the FIFA Street demo? I played Street 3 and was disappointed greatly by it compared to Street 2. So I am wondering if this is something I can look forward to again.

Exactly my concern.

As long as it is still coming, I am happy. Best mech game.

I wish I could give you star on top of your current star. I have the exact same sentiment. Like he had never seen a woman before.

Man, guy should be happy it was Bas Rutten and not Sam Jackson. Someone would be dead if it was Sam Jackson.

Sir I award you the internet for this comment.

All the Zangief you need.

I didn't see any shirtless. I feel mislead and confused. Keyboard win though.

I understand how you feel. Us over at the gaming portal are excited about getting an FPS, but after watching the video, it doesn't really look all that great. The graphics were a bit shoddy and the game play didn't look to smooth from the clips of it that we have seen, especially during the car scene. Probably should

Jackie Li confirmed in Street Fighter V.

Number 5.....So if I find it funny enough to contort my face into a laughing smile because I find it funny, all the sudden I am creepy?

The game is F2P. The gaming portal that hosts it also host another game I happen to play.

I don't know if I am not looking hard enough or if they have moved all the the stuff to new subsection but I do not see Battle Fantasia at all.

Is that sitting on a floor? Jesus that thing would swallow a desk.