Microsoft suffers blunder after blunder.
Microsoft suffers blunder after blunder.
Sony confirms via Shuhei Yoshida. If you get an early PS4 and connect, you won't be banned. Way to go, Sony. >:)
I just have to agree with them sucking. Atleast a bit.
Microsoft hasn't done me much favors in this gen. Doubt they'll do so in next.
I have a Dream' ...
And of course MS -continuing on their anti-gamer behavior- banned people who connected early. Whereas, Sony -as clarified by Shuhei Yoshida- will not be banning anyone. Way to go Microsoft.
After playing the first two, I wouldn't buy it either way.
Haha, already happened apparently. :p
Internet explorer is and has always been great..
you forgot to ramp up the contrast!
It looks better than the PS4 version because it's brighter.
i look to the WiiU as later comer of the 7th generation not first entry of the 8th generation ... they just missed the train
Grab that cloud, and DRIVE IT!
Not gonna lie. That picture's pretty fucked up.
I'll bet no one gets this haha
"though it doesn't look to be running at full 1080p HD"
It's.... beautiful.
"So EA want to make you feel like their games are a steal."
With a lackluster launch line up, and hidden stuff not talked about Sony until yesterday, I think I'll be getting the PS4 until next year. What I'll probably do though is cancel CoD and pay a little more for this sweet 3DS baby.