Don't forget that Titanfall is best played on Valve's console with a Dual Shock 4!!!
Don't forget that Titanfall is best played on Valve's console with a Dual Shock 4!!!
Don't forget that Titanfall is best played on Valve's console with a Dual Shock 4!!!
Can't forget that Titanfall will look best on Valve's console :)
Everyone uses XBone because it hurts Major Nelson's feelings. We can start calling it Xbox720p.
Microsoft had to pay at least $100,000,000 for this. I wish they'd have spent it on making a console that could even come close to the PS4.
It is still coming out on the 360 and PC.
Exactly. Titanfall 1 will be 720p. Titanfall 2 should clock in at 1080p for the PS4. This is Mass Effect 2 all over again.
I'd get the 3DS. You can get a real next-gen system on the 15th.
It says Day 1 Edition. Not buttons. That is the incentive to pay $100 extra for an inferior machine. I'm sure once PS4 outsells the One Microsoft will sell a Kinect-less version for $399.99.
I haven't seen the internals, so I'm not sure the number and size of the fans. I 've only seen the reports that it run quite cool. Here is a shot of the back vents.
I'm talking about the PS4 staying cool. No overheating issues at all on the dev kits. They've reported that it stays pretty cool. I'm more worried about Xbox720p overheating after they overclocked it.
I don't want the ugly, under-powered console it attaches to either.
Now we all know why Microsoft didn't call their new console the Xbox 720.
All of my gaming friends are making the jump from 360 to PS4 (myself included). Only one of us is getting both. XBox720p can eat it!
Now we all know why Microsoft didn't call their new console the Xbox 720.
Now we all know why Microsoft didn't call their new console the Xbox 720. I'd go for PS4 so you can game in true 1080p.
I wouldn't worry the German site that reviewed the dev kit said the heat stayed low, which in turn kept the fans quite even after hours of operation. Those massive air vents in the back seem to really do the trick!