At most the Wii U should be $199. After November they will realize that the WII U is doomed and HOPEFULLY release a beastly console that we all want.
At most the Wii U should be $199. After November they will realize that the WII U is doomed and HOPEFULLY release a beastly console that we all want.
It is as if Nintendo wants to give consumers what they want, but then they decide that they don't deserve it. The 2DS is great on paper until you see it. There is plenty of room for that 2nd thumb stick we all want and the screen should be XL sized.
Thanks for your support. I'm glad someone enjoyed it.
Which is why I'll wait for it to come to PS4 will all the DLC. They've stated that it is only a timed exclusive. EA will be keen to get it on PS4 the second the timed exclusivity is up, especially since the PS4 install base is looking to be much larger than ONE.
I don't see them making a Steam competitor. Their one big exclusive (Titanfall) will only be available on EA's Origin. It doesn't make any sense, so I expect Windows Live to launch this Holiday 2013.
I think Microsoft is underestimating the huge amount of distrust the American people have for both Microsoft and the government. With the recent news that Microsoft showed the NSA how to break their encryption and gave them direct access to all their servers I don't think anyone doubts that the Kinect will be used to…
What is going on with Nintendo these days? It seems like they've really lost touch with their fan base. Ever since before Operation Rainfall they seem to be operating against their fans. What harm is there is people getting excited about a Nintendo game and showing footage of high level play. It seems like…
I prefer it. When you have a ton of games it is easy to forget which ones you own. With Steam I can upgrade my rig and they are all there waiting for me to re-install in Steam.
I'm so glad that I got the $20 Ni No Kuni deal. I am 10 hours in and I'm loving it thus far. I am looking forward to the "All-Defend" command unlocking though.
Digital takes the fun out of collecting. I prefer a collection I can look at and enjoy. Picking up a old game and checking out the box, you just can't beat it.
My PS4 will be ready. Until further notice Naughty Dog is the best dev in all of gaming. I can't think of any other studio that has made GOTY contenders this consistently.
I was so hopeful for a new direction once THQ tanked. It is sad that this is what wrestling games have become. At least I have No Mercy and Fire Pro Wrestling Returns to revisit whenever I feel like some good old fashioned rasslin!
As someone that has held both, let me tell you that the Dual Shock 4 is the best controller ever. I preferred the 360 controller last gen. The Dual Shock 4 feels much better overall. I can't wait for launch!
I can't wait for the PS4 version to show up after they finish the PC version. Sony should just fund them like Journey.
New Xbox 'a sin against all service members'
If it is coming to the PC, then it can very easily come to the PS4/X1. Once GTAV goes gold they'll have a few hundred employees that are up to the task.