I liked the guy building up the huge announcement...then him revealing a new Kinect game. UGH!
Microsoft is trying to input one in the butts of gamers all around the world.
I don't care what games come to X1. Their anti-consumer policies for next-gen have me switching my Day 1 pre-order to a PS4.
Who else was a Day 1 Xbox One customer until now? Count me in on PS4!
I love my 360, but if Sony has a better policy I am getting a PS4. Microsoft is crazy.
I can't wait! Hopefully this release will put the final nail in the coffin of The War Z.
I have all the current consoles and I'll probably end up buying the PS4 and X1 on launch day like I always do with new consoles. My post is questioning what everyone else will do should Sony and MS end up employing the same used game strategy.
I loved Alan Wake. One of the best games this past gen. I liked it so much I bought it again via the Humble Bundle. It will be nice to play it on my Steam Box (official or otherwise).
I hope that both companies respond to the backlash by changing their plans/policies. We'll see come E3 if they wise up!
That is a forum rumor/speculation. Sony never said that.
Delicious. It is Steam flavored.
Sony will sell many more consoles than MS should it be true that all used games work on the PS4. They stated it was up to the publisher which means that we are all in for a rude awakening.
I'm sure Sony is looking forward to you buying all your games over again. That isn't backwards compatibility.
That is the best thing about PC gaming. I can play games I bought 10 years ago.
The XBOX One backlash is in full effect in Kotakuland. Where were these articles when Sony announced that the PS4 will also not be backwards compatible and not be able to play any of your PSN games?
Patricia, I'm really disappointed in your "where are the games?" comment. You of all people, being a top-notch journalist, know that Microsoft stated before the event that today was all about showing off the hardware while saving all of the game reveals for E3.
I'm a huge Nintendo fan, but I want to see them be competitive this gen. They desperately need to launch a new console that is on par with the Next XBOX and PS4. The Wii U HAS to go!
In future reviews I'd like to see a "Yes" or "No" as to whether it is worth the asking price. There are plenty of games that are worth playing, but aren't worth the full asking price. Maybe a "Buy", "Rent", or "Bargain Bin" designation would be appropriate for future reviews.