
If you have played The Walking Dead game by Telltale you know how The Last of Us is going to play out. He turns slowly throughout the game until he makes a full transformation at the end leading to the dramatic parting of ways between he and the girl.

This is the confirmed design. It is perfect!

Somebody is a chubby chaser. "For the Alliance" is slang for I like fatties.

Am I the only one that is waiting to sell their PS3 until they finish this game? After this game is released the PS3 is dead to me.

There doesn't seem to be much buzz for this title. I wish they would have given Kratos a rest for a while after GoW3. Seems like they would want to save up a new GoW for the PS4 launch.

Crazy that they got rid of the Dual Shock and instead went with Move 2.0 as the new controller. I can't wait!

I know, laughable!

What if it is as powerful as a Wii U? What is your price point?

How about: That is the day they will announce that they are leaving the hardware market to focus on bringing their 1st party franchises to the Steam Box!

32GB memory card required to play!? WTF! So, $100 + the cost of the game.

Sony just cannot afford to release a very powerful system without pricing it like the PS3 at launch. I'm very interested to see what they do.

That is the day they will announce that they are leaving the hardware market to focus on bringing their 1st party franchises to the XBOX 1080!

Resident Evil: Zombie Ops

Should sell about 50 million copies as a launch title for the PS4.

I head it is just going to be Black Ops 2 Zombies mode with Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield.

Don't get ahead of yourself there. You haven't seen the PS4 controller yet.

Sounds to me like they need more time to optimize the higher-end XBOX1080 and PS4 versions. I look forward to the PC version. My GTX690 is hungry!!!!

That is why I said "It should be noted that the Wii U is sold below cost." Selling it for less that it costs to make is a loss. If Sony makes a PS4 that is comparable to the Wii U in power I'd think that most people would prefer a Wii U just for the quality of Nintendo's first party games. MS is in a great spot

The reason there won't be a price cut is the same reason the PS4 is going to be at a disadvantage to the Xbox1080 this upcoming gen - the valuation of the Yen to the Dollar/Euro/Pound. They are in a catch 22 situation.

EA should charge for watching trailers too. They are missing a brand new revenue stream. I'm sure there are people that would pay 99 cents to watch a trailer.