
Hypocrisy domes another argument..

It’s knot about your land speed..

I agree with and love the idea of this 80s truck continuing into a 4th decade. But if the clock is only nearing 100k miles, I imagine Amy hasn’t really asked very much of the truck to this point. (Maintenance over time is a task to be proud of, fwiw.)

If you’re leaning toward a Ninjette, I’d recommend it. Different bikes suit different bodies, but low displacement is an excellent start. <550 is a safe bet, but there are [uncommon] exceptions. I have some experience, feel free to ask.

Pretty bad.. Somewhat similar to Toyota’s direction with the Prius. I don’t want to take sides, but things that make you say ‘hmm..

I do the same, but in a spreadsheet. I try to do what I can myself, so keeping oil change receipts might suggest I change my oil once every couple years..

Even Fox wouldn’t publish this gas-lighting take!

I would assume that putting the service industry to work on Christmas day would be frowned upon?

I’ve had a bagel from one of those shops during a recent visit to Montreal. It was fine.

I’ve had great experiences with the automotive-related store chats I’ve used.

Looks like a Jeep-Ram Centipede hack job, but will sell like crazy for a couple years.

Neutral: Despite all local Sears stores having closed, a Sears automotive center a couple blocks away was still open as of Saturday. I had an inspection performed a couple weeks before a 2600 mile road trip. Between then and the road trip, some serious noise and vibrations led me to discover that they never properly

Nature’s Miracle has been great at removing stains and odors. Not so great at dissuading the furry one from committing future unsportsmanlike conduct.

Nature’s Miracle has been great at removing stains and odors. Not so great at dissuading the furry one from

Stop believing in individuals. Keep believing in ideals. What that means to you, that’s yours.

Nike, Keurig, etc.. Life is rough as a self-asserting white supremacist. I understand, logic is hard.. I’m afraid it only gets more difficult once you start adulting.. 

I’m several years removed from FB. This is still a thing?

I’d argue that most people will finance a car, or at least have a credit card, very early in their adult life. It’s important to show how it’s a tool, not a trap and not free money.

Are autonomous cars our new flying cars, forever two years away?