
Seeing Top Fuel remains among my single greatest automotive experiences ever. I can’t imagine anyone watching one rip down the track and not agreeing. It is a ridiculously incredible experience, your vision distorting from the sound. The pressure on your chest. The burn of the nitro in your nose.

Amazing for a 5000 pound car.

This is absolutely mind boggling.

I for one welcome our new electric overlords.

Model S P100D is the new fastest. Motor Trend just recorded a 2.28 earlier this week.

So basically this video is rather dishonest propaganda?

I thought it was strange they chose a Rover to compare, why not a Honda Civic? I wonder how much better that would have done.

That Rover 100 test caused something of a scandal for the company. The car was designed in the late ‘70s and launched as the Austin MiniMetro, then facelifted a few times.

Well by this same logic, nobody gives a rats anus how fast a Chevy Equinox or a Honda Accord can do 0-60, but it still gets printed. So what if it’s a dick measuring contest that means virtually nothing, it is with the vast majority of cars on the road anyway.

I can’t even take an 8hour trip in our Fusion sedan though!

when you can’t easily take an 8-hour road trip in these cars yet.

I’m with you all the way in this. Sadly, stupid people are always looking for and always will be looking two things.

There is no meaningful way for them to prevent this, aside from disabling mobile phones while they’re mobile. I’m so tired of living in a world where the lowest common denominators set the standards for EVERYTHING. If those people weren’t on their phones they would have been reading the newspaper or a book or doing

Looks like 4 screaming frog anime characters. Keroppipocalypse!

I Turo’d a hybrid RAV4 over the Christmas break to get to Lake Tahoe and I gotta say, a hybrid powerplant makes perfect sense on trails. Even though the RAV4 was limited in many other ways, it was able to climb grades it had no business climbing due to max torque at 0 rpm. Plus, it returned 30 mpg going on trails.

I know people think this shit is sacrilegious but I can’t fucking wait for a hybrid 2.0L turbo H4 WRX.

People outside of CA always gets the lulz talking about how we are required to use chains or have 4wd here... likely have never driven over Echo Summit down to Tahoe or over 88 to Kirkwood in a snowstorm. Think winding and narrow with death as a possible outcome if you somehow slid off (to be fair, there are

I don’t know why they were so upset. The guy used his turn signal.

I agree.