
Agreed. But even that does not work: a battery electric is charged at home, overnight by the majority of owners. So, you spend exactly 15 seconds dealing with its charging needs, and you almost never have to go somewhere and stand there to “fill it”. And if you don’t have access to home charging, the car charges while

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Again, remember kids: regulations are evil and hinder the beautiful free market.

Crapcan racing! Do it!

So, Easter Jeep Safari?

“But they still are terrible Jason! Nobody buys them, they all catch fire, are too expensive, you can’t get anywhere far, take their power from burning baby seals, and take weeks to charge from empty!”

Hydrogen, really? From the grid to the wheel, it requires three times the electricity to move a car compared to just sticking that same energy in a battery. How does that even make sense?

I think I see a wagon!

The Tesla Model S is the most important car in a century. And also the best car one can purchase, hands-down.

Also: they simply stole the BMW i8's C-pillar idea.

Turbos don’t “help” engines rev higher. A turbo engine usually revs lower than N/A.

First thing I thought was: he is lucky he did not get shot by police.

Well then, you know what you need to do...

Sure, that is fair. Was mostly targeting the “but it’s heavier by 120 pounds!” commenters.

“OMG a hard top on a Miata! Nooooo! The increased weight will kill your track times!”

Salt water? Not sure any vehicle can survive that.

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Update: watch to the end for a hint at the top speed run.

You are not in control of the software running on any car you purchase today.

So, anything from not-Mazda? Like from folks that are not opposed to battery electrics?

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This a great video demonstration of how planes fly.