
If a war were to break out between the United States and China, Beijing, not Washington, would be most impacted regionally by the bloodbath that would ensue—even if they do not join the battle.

Big star there sir.

“...listening to a compilation of his favorite car alarms from the 1980s... and now the Follow-Through...”

LMFTFY: Electric car manufacturer (well...) effort beats some dude that stripped his Tesla up Pike’s Peak.

Hey, a convertible!

3:46 FTW

I’d much rather suffer a quick death at the hands of most of this list (including the VW) than get my arm ripped out by a chimpanzee and agonize while it picks things off my body. Yes, this is a real thing, chimpanzees are way stronger than we are.

Great handle btw!

Not quite sure, but looks like debris took out the other car’s chutes.

He has done this in the past (I read his bio): but in those cases it was when some employee was saying that they could not do X in the time Musk said they should. Then he’d go do their job, and prove them wrong. Or so goes the story.

Now playing

Yup, was definitely thinking that the restrictor plate is not used here.

Surely you can do this (live streaming it of course) and take a shot at the 95mph class where the entrants were a 2011 WRX, a 1967 Mustang (beauty!) and a 2012. Ford. Focus...

And there are turns?

Wow, what a song!

This is hilarious. Probably does not know how regular people buy cars, and what is available to them. TV makes it sound like Chevy is the shizzle, but yeah. No.

They have clearly worked the art of social deprivation to a fine art.

Woosh! I missed that.

I am docking that guy a few props myself: why is he coming in so hot that he almost loses it when he sees the debris field? He must have known there was a crash...

1:11 Safety truck coming in way too hot, almost loses it. Then plows through debris field.

it is nothing that the U.S or it allies do every day around the world.