
Mind blown. I really did not expect that. I guess this is a part of a car that light wrenchers never have a look at.

1. Red

Wrong pedal pressed in stressful situation:


Has anyone ever considered that the g forces involved in flying cars may make them uncomfortable to most? And scary?


People, do your research... Oh wait, most folks are trolling here.

Oh, you can somewhat drive a car? Here’s a helicopter, have at it.

There are hundreds of such incidents in which human error, a computer glitch, miscommunication or some other mistake almost lead to one side thinking the other was going to attack.

Since the acceleration would not be linear, but fall off as wind resistance increases, you would actually experience even higher g’s than that at the beginning. The numbers quoted here are an average over the run.

Remember folks, regulations are evil and stifle honest businesses from operating freely.

Jason: what you are saying is that you want them to now come out with cars with 1,000 mile range, just so people can start believing them when they say range is not a problem anymore (it’s not, I checked)?

See: every suit against Tesla claiming “the car did it”...

Oh god, I can’t unsee that now.

Stop looking at this from your “we follow the rules of the road here” POV. Rules are the government keeping you down.

Raphael, I do not understand what this means:

Looks like the thief got knocked out by the classic face-to-asphalt combo. Probably concussed, which I hear sucks pretty bad. Karma!

Hold on: you mean to tell me that the bullshit fees dealers charge for damage when bringing a lease back are bullshit?

What he said.

Love that last sector of Monza. The chicane you need to carry monster speed out of, and the Parabolica. Even in games, I am not courageous enough to perfectly nail that turn.